Show Washington Observations OW J By Dy F FREDERIC WILLIAIM WILE By FREDERIC WILLIAM WILE Written for The Tho Telegram W WASHINGTON A June Orator Orator Oratorical ical leal honors at the John l Ericsson memorial celebration In Washing Washington ton belon belong to Gustaf Adolf crown prince of Sweden He lie 1 is III a much better belter public s speaker aker than President Coolidge or any of ot the other Americans Americans Ameri Amen cans who participated In the festivities fes tea although English Is their language and Swedish that of the future ruler at Stockholm These observations observation refer to the crown princes prince's delivery which was waa resonant and eloquent ills His command command com corn mand mend of our tongue is perfect ills His accent Is that of ot the tho cultured Eng Eng- lishman lIe He says ys America as Lord Balfour or on Lloyd George eorge would pronounce it Even Ben if it there had b been n n no amplifiers Gustaf Gusta i Adolfs Adolf's chiseled words would have hae rung rupt out with like bell-like clearn clear- clear n new neu u for foi many eds of ot feet in all nil directions Th The viking prince princes h has s an oratorical mannerism that thai struck this writer welter as worthy of emulation In the United States 8 ery E time he referred to the pre president l- l dent and whenever he mentioned Wa Washington and nd Lincoln his right hand wa snapped to the salute salute- a pretty touch and one that stimUlates stimulates lates patriotism while inspiring rev reY- Effigy Hanging Has Background That hanging In effigy of the secretary secretary sec eec of the Interior and the commissioner commissioner com corn missioner of reclamation In Nebraska ka last week has a political background background background back back- ground that is ominous The MidWest Midwest Midwest Mid Mid- west and Intermountain country are areas areas areas as sore at Washington as the torn corn cornet belt et Is The big Issues issum beyond the Missouri river rl are arc Irrigation and reclamation Compared to them things like Ilko th the world court are po political po- po flea flea- flea The Western mn- mn and whose name Is legion find the CoolIdge CoolIdge Cool- Cool Idge dge economy program lying athwart theIr heir path lath and they dont don't lIl like e It States like Idaho Washington Ore Ore- ron Ston California Utah Colorado Wyoming Montana and Nebraska a have ditching and dredging schemes afoot atoot calling for hundreds of ot millions mil mil- lions Ions of ot dollars of federal funds In aid ald Men and measures that withhold with hold those funds are highly unpopular unpopular unpopular ular In the affected regions It Is well veil within the range ot of probabilities ties les that they will vill voice their In Indignation Indignation In- In at the forthcoming con congressional ton eon gressional election t I Lo Longworth Never Deserts Pal Speaker Longworth went up to Philadelphia and told the Union league eague citadel of stand pat Pennsylvania Penn- Penn sylvania Republicanism that he Is Isor for or DIll Bill Vare for United States senator first last and all the time Nick and Bill have been fellow members of or the house of representatives ives tives for a good many years and never deserts a pal If the he 1926 presidential race Is Js a free free- all for the speaker will be In It ft and there will be many politicians whose friendship in that witching hour lour will be less valuable than the theman theman theman man upon whose shoulders the man ties tics of Matt Iatt Quay and Boles Boies Penrose have Just tall fallen en 01 It Is just possible that hat Mr Longworth who is a good judge of distance nce thinks It isn't a abit abit alit bit lit too soon for an ambitious young Republican like himself to think of or ofis his is future Morrow Joins Joins' Research Research MoVe Move President Coolidge's Amherst chum hum Dwight W. W M Morrow has joined Charles Evans Hughes in the leadership of or a movement to underwrite under- under write a endowment endo for forIs hIstorical Is tor leal research The scheme Is officially sponsored by the American Amerlan Amen Amerl- can an Historical association Former United States State's Senator Albert J J. of ot Indiana Is chairman ot of f the national endowment committee commit commit- tee ee HIstorians the promoters of the he enterprise say find it difficult to o gather the necessary material from rom first and and unimpeachable sources It Is held to be the duty ot of f the American people to provide them hem with the opportunities historians historians his his- now lack An froma from a fund of a million dollars Is desired de- de sired ired for the purpose Norris Morris Offers Novel Suggestion George W. W Norris of Philadelphia formerly well known in Washington Washing Washing- ton on as a n. member of the federal federl farm arm loan board Is out with a novel suggestion about the United States senate enate He was called upon the theother theother other ther night to pInch hit for Senator Sena- Sena ena- ena tor or David A. A n Reed ed of ot Pennsylvania at t a Philadelphia meeting addressed by y Governor AP Al 1 Smith of N New Nv Nework w York ork York on state government Mr lr NorrIs orris advanced the theory In ex- ex Senator Reeds Reed's absence that hat each ach state should have hase a third senator whose duties would const coot con st solely of ot filling the speaking engagements of or the other othor two In InI aU all I seriousness Norris proposed that thatto th the to constitution should be bo amended amend amend- ed d accordingly It has long been one ne of the tricks of ot the senatorial I rade trad for statesmen stat sta in demand as public speakers to accept engage ments monts ba bag all aU the publicity tage age obtainable from advance an announcements announcements announcements an- an of or their appearance and nd then be A. A W W. O. O L. L and without with with- o out ut t notice Mary Rinehart Has Hair Bobbed Mary Roberts Rinehart Wash Wash- Ington's most distinguished literary person jerson has succumbed to the tho hair bobbed epidemic Some of ot her think that the creator of ot Th The Bat Dat an I otter other romances cane came cameo to o th the conclusion irn that she couldn't effectively idealize the heroines of ot whom horn she writes without looking ns as s much like them as possible So off f came her brunette Cresses theother the theother other ther day The result Is that she has difficulty In persuading people I that hat the stalwart cung man she introduces In- In I as her son Is a man of ot 25 5 Mrs Irs Rinehart art is off for her annual summer r life lite In saddle and knickers on her dude ranch in Wyoming not far from the Sheddan Sheridan Sheridan Sheri Shed dan oil oU fields Mrs Hert to r I Support Ernst I I Mrs Alvin T. T Hert Rent of Kentucky Kentuck vice chairman of ot the Republican national committee has gone gon to the tho Blue Grass region relm to help elect re-elect Senator Richard RIchart B. B Ernst a and d. d so some me t r I I r I I I moro mono G. G O. O P. P men to congress Th Than Then n she will pitch har hr tent at t Island until the campaign is In full swing in lb the autumn Mrs H rt inherited all the political flair of her late husband She is not th the type of politician Into which suffrage ge has turned a good JUan many ot of her sisters Indeed Mrs Hert lert seems almost too much of a grand dame to be a successful party arty mana manager el But those around her ter authorize the statement tha that when the occasion demands she can pack a wallop as stiff stitt and sturdy as any man Strange Incident At Ceremonies Queer country ours curs At the John Ericsson In Washinton ton on a handsome middle aged dig woman in black mounted th the grandstand for invited guests un Un- accompanied There seemed to be some up mix about the number of her seat lent She took her chances and had It straightened out like anybody would No 0 special attention atten- atten lion ion was her lot for she was mod modest est and unrecognized She W wa waa UJ Mrs Woodrow Wilson If our onetime onetime onetime one one- time first ladies ladles of or the land re received received re- re the consideration and attention attention atten atten- tion Europe b bestows stows upon dowager queen-mothers queen that sort of thing wouldn't happen on state occasions Copyright ht 1926 19 t r i |