Show bled nt Teton 1110M Frets ant county Idaho Jan C31807 Ono more of Ibo faithful faith-ful and valiant women of Israel hat paaed < bilnliJ HID veil leaving a heat of friends ho1 I relatives who while mcurnl g her nbircc Me proud or her reword of her rwenl hapilccn and lor l merest reward Sister Rhoda Ann Hlohminwlle o four four f-our reef voted Uroiher Hyrum u Klcli man dlid at her homo IIIj letuui ij in Sunday mottliu J Jiiuaiy il u lfcl7 nt C3U clock Hun wan ltru SHjtarsnud 1 tenth She eA tir iiau hter ol John and El gate h Hlnlll HltettvanU UiluuKH ir ei tiamuel IVrfeltja if Corhu valley where her mother Hud n p athor rend at present kilo was born LIIJ brought Ui lu the Chinch About uu Bgij of eivenlou the married llrolhir Hyiuni Hlthmnu since welch event they until the baud of r math tiiaraiod them livid u Iliool happlueis In her sickness of two mouths duration ninny hind home administered tj her every uaut and the Priesthood of the word was untltlni lu their attention to her whlcu tbo really appttclatej bh loused die In peace und but for en hour elute watchlni at the end they would not have known of the actual time of dan At the services held lu our met ting douse our worthy bishopric pieatdu nut choir tony very aj > roprlatx sense Very consolltif ternaries were oOcroi by lirotbors Baker Jensen and lUch man A very large irtcesulon considering con-sidering Ibo extremely cold Woollier followed ber to Ibo home of the dead Thus snottier falthul one has cone t loin the Roodly lomrauy of the bluer to enjoy the tweet rOIL ol tin Just end prepare for She glotl im reiurrectim mrtn when those who are In Christ shall come forth lo Inherit the rewoid that la prepared for them File memory mem-ory of the pure In heart is l lined I1oIlEII1 lIIeiINLEl |