Show Spanish Fork Notes SPANISH Feme Utah q Jail 30 1607 To Ibo Editor Our condition has much changed since last I wrote Measles In I raging to that the district ochoola olosod down Friday evening and word IB circulated circu-lated that there will bo no Sabbath schools until further notice Same limo ago the board of health issued a circular auvlalng wlidotn to prevent the spread of the disease With the care and attention that was ghenll Ibo uealred object was not gained for Its onward courre baa confined members mem-bers of nearly every family In our uildit to their home with the above result The schools will rcaumo In a week or two when letter conditions admit III I our new Central tcbool house now completed ThoBcotob party Dome air with on enjoyable time The Black Hawk veterans In their sociable on Ibo evening of the 29h Indulged 1 In danclog and were entertained enter-tained with conga spoecbte tic while Ibo refreshment were Immense The coat of electing a United States ssnaturl II la largely coaimontod upon here to Ibo detriment of the parly entrusted en-trusted with Ilia power ana to Ibo Individuals who show such lack ol harmony Two deaths occurred this week In I which the public extend condolence UNCLE UtOHOE |