Show BIG TO 08 LXEIJ 11 Ten Cenli Per Cpa the Annul Aitniminl it WtfMfll Clubs PROVISION GOES INTO EffECT IN 1900 littroy IJon at II llntr Utontootbon II 1101 Ijoilosprealh Tk Ilonl 11 June IIThl Ihu Appendix If club lorl MRln to the Rn ml fr < l 1In if volown lube alp ill Ion I-on ual r laired at the rates of Im cents l it reaction TIll witiory wa flnllr n red anthill at the llr adway Clientele Intel a i lull r If III 1 I plnl nit torso I olllv I aiplaUM Acres lleintln ill be mailit an effective nieech on tiehalf uf Ih i nnanclal Innovation nailed trt iimi hinily ami 1 the dI leallona wh de d lard Ihy w ukl withdraw 1olkeed I nm what wlllej Till wait the l > reir leMi n of the whale nvenilun an I the ui me plot the aiKKlall Oil ain a-in Hy lulneei I lowitim This rullni tame aa a reeuli Alf a reaulutkifi affected uy Mra Julia I Hoallurk of bhlsaou 4 halrmaii elf th ways and I mean om nirnmlli wha stated that the trespasser hat lout II7W rviuune flh Atom Inll iw i > vam with ruiptrli It fully I1IWM xpnmo IatlnR I ut or un dUon the xpne which officers would I Probably aoume This new prcvMun will not ro Into effect until IWO and will bring Into HI treasury about IIWO annual y Mra llertrotln woo eniuhail in her Careful tresperals polvelflint wllh Woman hO urn to convmtlini la cavil In Uy points when a Interest Mu li at stake hid better nay al liinw Th MMlon Avoided eiery woman lout fear tin an ilnliht whll a Hclur at ike culiviill was taken with Sim 1 llrnrotln eotuaMuoutly In ihe fare irround ullawlnic the free trolley ride early I In the morning woo the educall nil confrnc at llroadirai theater In chiro of SIM 1 Maraanl 11 nrana of Mlniuxnta with Mra John It llanna ai local annihilated chairman With raferenre tu the vanrk of state feilera Hun addreaaii were made hy Mr Allco Pry llrlna nf Maine I Jin Mice llradfbnl All f Him U Step 1 f N I Walton at Mail hUMtim Ire Jnnl LIA5111I nf New York Mn 1 wH Low tit 41olisarips lira It A KlAllnll if II Irlifirser lire I ji Ilm 7 Sf IOWA gulf X110111 Celia V ottMi ol lodI lod-I ilia earn time wits lell live con forracto on club methods In Unity church with MM V K Ikln I of Mlchlnn In the chair and Mra j A Cunlne aa dual aatltant chairman Home of the ippakeri asset their iul Jecti wr Hhall mmhenhlp I llinlled or unllmltdM Mr L c ItkhirdMn t of lolol1lol asset Mr Person H Platt I of loIat1lll 11111411 arm 11 lnanlrs late I RlmIUtr Steel 1 lIowonl 141t1llIn RttrftSi son or lennlvnt Illullsons Alvh cjr = rates ditallvantauto I of Inartubmarshli NJ it I ft Idell 1Isideptle IYern tharl of Nw Vork to Ih lit for Conlin obtll1 hr working 1lhr In ir1 g ri ppa first 1 1 orrtrsin fraiiui i i llelall n brawniness aluly clatiMi ml dparliiinl club Mri tjUr It I Hcammon uf Mlo uri Value fetal lpspt methods of pnm tine A lemrxruntmia opftklncl SIM Hnry Xentan Iee C Iud Hhll our 1110 erary work tend want ipccialliilm IT g noMMILatitli If I To 11 I V JI Ifniii of IIIhlaan iff I II in lien Cooper tit loonlhc thir proviellegalle Ila 1 Ilr Mlltalifth It IMIt fri fUln ItThis Afternoon will gas I IqvhW In It Art under Mri 1 Herman Hall 01 111 Illlnita aid Lion industrial problem a I Connotes Armenian and L11 lrn ln chars nf 311641 late use INnI of Wash Inlllon I c |