Show WITH AMERICAN VAN loll Disagreeable reasserts ire Mosquitoes and Und littecll SPANIARDS KEEP WELL OUT or SIGHT Twtaityroterth InraIry Ira rort laval kitThe Troop are la lood Cereals On Hoard the AModaied Im Ivan patch least luuntleee off llaliulrl June n Thnrxtay a IL m via IVirt Antonio Jamaica June I 4 a rally ra-lly way of the Halifax direct caul Copyrtghlrd tan by the Aworlalist PraH Wrt tun in last night over 4W of tile ttwo on board 1 h trana porli went Mhon leneral Kentwllh even transport win remain wet of Santiago U A feint until tho remainder or the Iroor here are land I 1 Hen llama arritnl at came > before dark and Jim of his claimant an r it peeled lo effect a Juncture I lln miafteri men today Am moon aa the varlou command wtr landial yrater day 1 they were pushed out In Hie direr lion of Rantlago Al dark they blv ouarkfd and wen tlrung nut In 1 column three mile longJh front rft > Ing on Hemnjaba n the rear of that column within a mile of the luu al Haliulri In the following onler Col IU Vagner with lnniaatiiie par II at Damajayaho a mile from Hen Iawtona headUttrn The arms Most lllh colored Infantry rr tlng at m email rnk the Hrmnd Maetarhuaeltt the lllh Infantry the start lntlllm ot Ih fourth Infantry tno 11111 Iltnlr nmpinlea or the Tenth Infantry and the tuoml east Salinas of Cho fourth infantry I lien Ittatows nl what are on roo awry and 1n lwlt Jerroto a Hough Illdtn dltmoimied and freer mnl of ppvral r Allentown 14yousirlard 1 al Haliiitlrl lost sealants I The landing prurrrtlnl until dawn The men llepl I t irtund on Iwre I ground Prime Clavier the ten fllm n Pomp under the marllt canop In Star morning they naibnl and w r III stores 1 tllMIl Tile only dUMKreeabb feature waa Ih lni > iulloea and lam Ineecte 1 the men an anxlout m met at the foe and life realmente an lo lie I toothed on to eupinrt Alan IMWIOI ai fet itiy r landnl The agmeatlve attitude of the mv on land I less lawn exceedingly gratify Ing Inl IItV |