Show IX I SI < mTIXil i CIItCLKS f Chnull iknalthlldilnu nt hue Urullll Oilier Hfim 100 Choynskl the well known pugll 11 It In town lie mm In from Ban franc loon last evening accompanied by hle wife On Monday night Joe pro IKIICI to ItIIO nn cthlldtlon of hi nullity nulli-ty nt the New Irand theater which will cmbrac n ten round parrlng con lest wlih UllHnl Iran of 1rovo an iihlbltlon of punching the bag and other Interesting nthlellc feature under un-der the management nf Jimmy Dlxon During hla brief star In Ihla city Choynakl 1 will bu th cueat of exCity louncllmnn Matlln 11 tdulvcywho beat night tn lernt lice fighter an Informal reception In the Keiiyon lobby Today To-day the Multor la I Inking In Iho althla of the illy under the VMOII of aom of hit friends Ihoynjikl la I about 34 years of age nil not thre aro envious ant unfriendly un-friendly iwopl who tell hint that he 14 I n has Iron but Ice nunchalanlly It I la I letter to U n haa been than never to IOn been ni all lie also JDS that If the winner of the JeRerlea KlUslmmons mill will give him n chatur ho will allow that be l I > 11 All rlaht The fighter has lumen before the Iub I lie tmricen > enra nil during that lerlal l l ho has won many halllca and PUlM lire Ihree drape 110 haa lie proud dlsllnillon I of alnndlng nlone or m r at the top I of the ladCer aa re narila having fought more twills to n nnl > h than any other pugilist now living liv-ing III la flghlln eight Is IM pounds but ho now lira ih bean at nearly thirty I I pound heavier I hAm frt fight occtirreil when ho waa a mere boyi In lice not round lu woo knocked end wn > a no lesa I than ten Inure but after that ho determine that h would not Iw rounte nut llefor the rvntrlt had ended Jae had hla npiioncnl In a Tldeilly groggy nmdlllun later on h met Frank Hover when lln pulled off Use nahl together wlih a pun of II mi Choynikl Inlay elpreaae hlmrelf aa being cnnlldent na lo ltce final nutconi i > f Ih Jefferllrilolmmnna fight that la to com irr In New York on Mny lulu and ho la I of ih opinion that let ferle will win Arrangement xre now completed for In twentyround ahvo contest between Wlllard lean and Jo limy amateur champion mlddlew laht of the Iadrlo roaal 1 rice affair will to null off In the Irovu uteri hoiix Arll Oil for Ilan ihamflvlthlp of Ihu 1arlnc coast and Utah Ilex leave Han Inin mien bound for Ihla city today Merrur la I a proud a a hen with one rlikk owing In the fart that her man Jack Veloi met ant defenlol Tom Dunhar I of renniylvanla I In exactly K urtiils by the tlo k a coupl of nlehla ago Wnlay la th Individual whom Wl11ar1 then pot to sleep recently neterlheleea Ihe Meicurltea think they hay a worldWater and nn willing tu plan untold weallh upon him Thu Y M C Aa propose lo meet the High chool i nine on llo University inmpu In a iraetlc Rum Ihl afternoon after-noon An allempl was mad to aecnr n practice gam with the Oregon Hhort Liner but na Ike club Is I reveral plir era shy two being on heir I way her from Ihe I net the meeting was put on for rime ub > e > Uent drat |