Show TIII HAXTON Miinniiii cutlet The Irillmony In Iha trial ot Moo Irorgt < m Ih chargii or murdering leorgt D Ha lon the brotherinlaw of 1resldenl McKlnley lurIng to light ewe of Iho terrible corruption hidden under the surface ot modern society In the course of tht eiamlnatlon and cnoonu It waa mad to appear ap-pear thai Haitian and Mr deoine bolh married hid entered upon Illicit hahn Ilion I-lion agreeing to Itt divorce and then 10 marry The Immo1 confront wan not kept It teemi ty Hailon aol hi MInor In I sin vowed dire vengeance Krldence wan offered lint Mr I lenrge had bought a Mcallbre rtvolver and thai the had actually consulted her lawyer ai to Iht best plan e if killing the object of her wrath She had asked her legal 1 adviser for Instance whether It would not be well In have two roo volvrre and kill Iht vlcllm with ont ant then throw Iho other al 1in fret 10 make U appear tht act wan one ot selfdefense The question was also cunIlrreh hlh11 oud not lee w1I to I shout him lathe hack and then throw Iho plitol nttay Kht had also 1 asked what the punishment for murder would be I and opreied her wllllngneia to Kiform tht deed If Ion year In tht penitentiary nip the only noun no-un li I It posilblt lo Imagine n depth of depravity beyond this very feature fea-ture of It In I revolting beyond eiprei lon No mattir whether the DccusvU 11 I guilty of murder or notthai remain re-main for Iht Jury to lay her present position llluilriilM tht Jact that no clety 1 to I lurrerlna from the deadly can met of nenuol nb In the eaorrn or numrr out other Crimea and evil which cannot can-not IKI suppressed until the mole I eradicated Hut tht wont ot It li I that there I 10 much morn of thin loathsome cite than apoean on the contort Now and then a rape come tu public notice Itul that li I mertly symptoms ot a condition The dlseast I Is working In secret often urwl r the moil luxurious luxuri-ous cover Hypocrisy I li I directing attention at-tention to allege Illi while In the vein nt the body ll I burning it consuming consum-ing time It li I 10 In Dili ccitntryi Ito It-o si throughout the clvlllieil world |