Show Do You Know the Puerile Questions Ques-tions Sometimes Propounded Do you know thai writers went first mentioned In literature In link CIT In Ot they were acknowledged la beth be-th moil accurately Informed men 01 the great city ot Home In 111 they were Incorporated In london ai Hie only people to practice surgery their sign a red and white pole 1 Do you know thai Ihe llallle of Hunker IHU was fought en Broods 11111 across Ihe valley Do you know that Ihllndelphla WJ Incorporated rw corporated ai a city In 17017 It was the Post ot Capitol from 1M lo 11 stall has the largest public library In America Do you know that 1900 will nol be a Sea pyesr on account ot the ill 1 hour discrepancy In lime henco It li I not divisible by 4001 Po you know that Macbeth was a real Persian while Hamlet was a mylhloal loooon Do you Know that Columbus died thinking he had dlccolered the wood con coat of AilaT That he had two eon one Fernando nol taking usually spoken of ai he was Illegitimate Do > ou know that tilt game of golf was llayed 01 long ago an 1I1TT Do you know that Hedlam wai nam1 after Ilethleheni the birthplace ot ChrlilT Do > ou know that Cuba Is I CW mile long Do you know Shift tiny Young perion was formerly called a girl and a roebuck roe-buck Itime I Hum two years old U I Mill called AirlI Di ion know thai Ihe capital at Wash Inglon li I Ml feet high while the big tree ot California are an high as i alG toot Dn You know thai Shakespeare unit I Cerianle died on the tom day and date Do you know thai Victoria is I the cap Hal nf Hongkong and the liland the properly of llngHndf Do iou know that electric annealing wae dlicotered by on American In M it and Is I not mentioned by any other eocallnl reference workT I Do you know that the American Dictionary Dic-tionary and Oclnpedla 19 I the only reference work I which I glle the tech I I 101 l forms uied under the head ot mlnl111 Do iou know Hut It also fully eiplalni Ih system of National t I Jlro I Da You r know that 011001 you desire 10 know when lhIIIn FirlenC 1 first ram Into nol Im also the chrlllan isnlivnotrovoicelY Endeavor lolceiy you will Had the Information In the A I t c only I I Do you know that file 1 feet arc fur nlhe1 with iklnnypiilm to enable Snout to tick to glut or on the cell Ing by mean ot the pressure of tits Atmosphere Do jou know thai no the sphere of know l edge extends the Inv I able in I man With bin limited powers Ana ratio ties to emblem Hie whole knowledge ot the ttorll he must therefore haia re our M to I helpnto lx > ok In which ha can get what Information I In-formation he want In n comprehen VIVO 1 and euillincreiilble form and to Mrnlill title li the object of trip I rih 1111 n II American Dictionary and Cyclopedia on exhibition nt the Deierct News educational department No 201 The ImIlnn A limited number ot opt t to Isto I delivered for adtertlrlng putpaes nnd to get a few Imtlmonlali frm good People l to II U 1 need ni future r111al by Anurlian I Dlcllonari unl cycloimllu comiun Bee ad on 1090 Fix 1 |