Show Probate unit In the mailer ol the estate ot Charles T Ujnaldion au order wan mad setting I ting Thursday KuTember T for hear Ing the petition t of Alice K Uinaldion forau Order letting 01 all the entire eilita dictated for the iu port of the Widow I Too Gib day ot NoTeraber Nosiest forbearing for-bearing petition of re A Wlckeiiharu ajnilniiiratoruf tile eilaieof Mouau II Wllllarni lot on uIIIr lu nil lost > eonilpruteity M a Wuolley haling satisfactorily oimplrleJ nu work at aiimiulilraioi lu tic iiataof ThOmas UooJiiian and the oblate being closed ha was dli chargvd and his lurlln talented |