Show Till Yilt JiCAltt I I Blrang onoutb eastern All hn rlo and very Suddenly become the center of Interest ol the world DISpatches DIS-patches received In Iicudon latter part of Ibo lilt week collTjr J ho ow that total bd seat fifteen war hli to a pMnt at file roulbtut u tumlly of Corn and a u that by a special treaty with Chinn JtuiiU bid obtained the right to use 1iU Arthur at a Laval ittllon and to build a rill road through Chinese territory con moling with the Hlborlan road No oOlolal conflrwitloa Ion as yet 1 been received of Ihli ilirlllng DBWI nor bit II risen ofUclally denied although ono London paper claims to know by Ibo highest authority Itt there It very lltllo foundillon lor the alarmlug runiort The LoaJon Thnu later however that Its corrupoodnl In China U 10 well cooncct that no If 1 an official denial atittiri bit ititemrnli cannot Ignored And this li I probably cot fact fcr whatever oiilanation the CU advisers be able 10 give of the Intended million of tbo fllten ships thai were ordered la Ion Vl il I Uoilock anJ whatever riprumottUom they mT mike concerning ItuI la > < latest dlkmitlo achievements In Cilia < Iho fact cannot bo co > coiled that lIuta means to establish her If tlamcelo eastern All Audi at allow time otlilu a port from which ilm will bit Nblo to clital eta will England I In the commercial field II In ID i that Vuiiii uotwllhilmdlng lift diesel alone mud linmeoiv reiouroe li itlll hatillietiod I In tier inoTemnnti leoiuiii of bit mail cot 11068 except In he liana regloni and her III1n aio I well swat 0 ol Ibo tact Italian their utter oeiilim tlloitl at aimuor ilnci Ihedijiol Cur Veto luwirJe tile Its rho llilllo rotIncei were the first lo Lo Incorporated In the jtot tent list and Ilieu atlempte were guide to taunts file Dtrdiuellei For a coo fury or moro tile notthtru left ol Norway hn lej a coveted goal and now some Iaolllo icajoil li I U be purchmed or oh erwitl P cited I aru It JngliriU easily cttcU to tills letter proctoJInz she must Set at Once or It will bo too lair Jtuula bit lately achieved some diplomatic victories In China which Indlealo that her itatettuon age brewing trouble In that part of The world Port Arthur li still In the bind of Japan If lluiila should claim acceii to Ihe harbor under a ctnctMlon from Chine Japan alibi reasonably can lend that this would bo a breach of filth on the part of The Calneio toy rnmenl and pothers a Justification for reopening lioiillliUi It would then be Ituwli China and probably Trine on the one lip and Japiu And Koclind on Iho other wllh whatever further alllei the two groups might U all lo oblilo Allogelber the news front Ana again oommindi an Interest orertbailowlng that recently oioitad by Ibo dispute between Ireat lllltaln and Ventiuele |