Show I alien alion System t f. f rings Many r lira Duties I i Stores Banks Must Sort ort and Count Bushels of Stamps U If housewives feel their dail daily Aisles es with ration stamps stamp so some ees e es s seem hopeless r remember m i stores and banks have also er ration stamp head headaches es it At stores tores large enough h for ral ra- ra l banking and at banks hun- hun ds of problems are settled ei ch day as thousand thousands of stamps fully are s selected sorted am and plated ted to keep the point ra- ra V ig system running smoothly liter er the b butcher r or grocer I tarS tarS' stamps from your rat ration on k ks after selling meat or proc- proc ed foods the stamps are cole col- col I e ted ted in basket or boxes near registers Most shoppers let letto r to the clerk figure out the number of cf points needed which needed which adds to ii headaches and means he must familiar with the latest radon ra ra- ra- ra don point ti-point point tables released by thedice the thetice dice tice of price administration Wi ious us Sorting Job Jobien r ien en the cashiers start the thes us ous s job of sorting a days day's Wee take in m stamps Frequently I special al ration stamp counters i ij are employed employ d by stores These girls separate the red stamps from the blue and the two-pointers two from th fi e and eight I hen the stamps are sorted th they v are placed in special 0 O P A At t ready to be deposited with Lh the stores store's stamp account at atthe atthe the thc bank Five thousand stamps of r f the same value are arc the most th that t may go into one envelope The counters counter's biggest headache t tomes during the rush to spend limps just before an expiration date datt Gasoline dealers lers paste their theirs stamps s to car cards i instead of to in envelopes envelop s. s ted rationing details sean mean b banks handle two systems Chang money and points Stamps Shoe alid gasoline retailers and racers deposit stamps given them customers at the the- bank in the wn manner as they deposit money Am Amount of stamps de- de ted determines how much th the tore store can reader re re- re- re rde ader from Problems ms met b by the ta fa al National banks bank's rationing taff taft headed by H H. G. G Goldstein t cashier are typical of b bankers lankers' headaches Proofing Proofing up stamp deposit lips to determine whether they hae me e been listed correctly keeping records of each stores store's stamp account ac ac- ac- ac punt count at the bank auditing ene en- en e pes to see that they contain Dismount mount of stamps declared on tte he outside and arid storing the starn stamps ps ban Vaults are just the be- be of tl the bankers banker's work Et arate irate Accounts Separate parate accounts must be kept stamps certificates and checks l users users such such as res- res iH receive receive 0 O P A certificate cat cate i representing U thousands of mis instead d of a bushel basketful o tamps d draw raw c checks h e c k s against their stamp or certificate ita which they give to wholes whole whole- s salers ers Then the wholesalers deP de- de P it checks they receive and draw against their check deposits Ich they give producers such as I Packing companies Because c use producers do da not need w write point checks s they trans trans- r their checks to the 0 O P A. A Because each ach bank colIe collects ts huge of stamps tamps dally daily their Ils overflow by the end of the nth So 0 OP P A permits banks t l stroy the used stamps every very flays days but but a months month's supply e. e kept at all times Clearing lIOU House fA A clearing n house for for p point int checks awn on other banks than the theare e here I they are deposited also ui And each bank bankO monthly toO O P A how I t jecks were sent to and rc- rc from the clearing r 2 i house hours of accounting ting are mM Ired ed in keeping te d. d records of each od s point receipts ex- ex P 1 and ex- ex jf also must be kept on ont t 3 coffee e shoes processed li h and gasolIne and meats fats cO count n nand i Cheese The Thc gasoline acia ac- ac ia la tb b anker most complicated of all a- a must keep aco separate l for A B C D D tate It a and nd T r I coupons Sepa- Sepa for also must be kept I Lon Oc stamps No 17 and No 18 og g tC t technical reports on all al Od stamps and certificates ly by b bCd bank Cd must be made monthly Ih 8 to OP OPA A. A hIe hen 0 PA hires huge staffs to toe toof e o of pounds of ot detailed r S made nade monthly by banks cera s and other businesses |