Show All AH Kinds of Patriots A TT MUST have b been en somewhat of a surprise to many Americans especially parents of boys in the armed services to learn from news stories about the National Maritime union convention in New v York that the men menon menon menon on our merchant ships who have been so bravely risking their lives to take vital supplies supplies supplies sup sup- plies to our armed forces and allies have been doing it only for a price price and and a pretty good price at that The men on the merchant ships have been receiving a bonus of per cent of their heir regular pay which means a minimum of a month with many receiving well above that figure But even that isn't enough The union in its convention voted to demand demanda a flat war bonus of a a month Its It's a funny up set-up on our merchant ships We are recruiting men for the merchant marine marine ma marine ma- ma rine on about the same basis as we are drafting drafting drafting draft draft- ing men for the army and navy The men on the merchant ships ship get draft deferment union wages and working conditions overtime overtime overtime over over- time etc plus a fat war bonus and on ox the thc same ship will be members of a naval armed guard crew who are drafted get regular navy pay no overtime no special working conditions no fat war bonus The result is that the officer n n charge of the armed guard crew will often make less money than the union who waits on him at table Well we guess it takes all kinds of patriots patriots patriots pa pa- to win a war |