Show What Our Readers Think Village Grocer Became A Great U. U S. S President Editor Telegram When l this country de declared lared its independence ence the co colonists were burdened by l laws ws in the making of which of-which which they had not voice or representation tion It was a land Jand ot farmers merchants grocers land band p people ople In in all walks of lif life who laid down their tools and t took ok up JP whatever weapons they could find and fought and died for the principle of taxation by representation only This gave allmen all allmen allmen men the right to vote as as' they saw fit and for whom they pleased Whether I voted for his honor the mayor or whether Mr Harold Harold Harold Har Har- old K Smith voted fo for his honor honor honor hon hon- or the may mayor r is of no concern but I know that the majority of citizens did vote for Ab Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jen Jen- kins and that's good enough for me These United States are made up of just ordinary butchers bakers grocers mechanics and even glorified chauffeurs When I was in grade school I read of a village grocer who once walked miles to return a a. afew afew few cents that one of his customers customers cus cue had forgotten This bumpkin of a JI village storekeeper storekeeper storekeeper store store- keeper later made a a. speech with these words in it A country conceived in liberty and dedicated dedicated dedicated dedi dedi- to the proposition that all allmen allmen allmen men are are created equal Yes you are are right it right it was plain old Abe Aba Lincoln He also split rails worked on r river i v e r barges and even did a little amateur amateur amateur ama ama- wrestling but he was an American and had as much right tobe to be president as anyone born in inthe the lap of luxury Incidentally he was one f the greatest presidents of the United States So Mr Smith we are living In a free country governed by the will of the majority and any anyS S man be he chauffeur or village grocer if if the people so will it can be may mayor r of Salt Lake City or president of the U Un United a I it t e d States If the new dog ordinance is for the good of the majority lets let's have it in and if it I is proven otherwise lets let's remove it But lets let's do it as good citizens citizens citizens citi citi- zens should without h hatred tred and slander and at all times show respect to a a. mans man's honest endeavor endeavor endeavor en en- deavor to earn a livelihood whether he be international banker or village grocer Ordinary Citizen |