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Show .luJc Anitoisou'n (uiit. Heforo.Judgo AtlleraoU tills morn mg Urant C hrcnUtar 1 leaJ gul'iy t' nu Hid clment cliarglug htm with fornication, and waa fined $oJ, with out ClOkUt. I n tho damage case of Jofe h Duel wtrtli, admlnlslrator.vs. the Hilt Lake Clly Ittllroad trmpany, leave was granted Iho de'endintUi tile a suprle-mcutal suprle-mcutal until cr. rttcnty dt)' llmr taa given thu ilalutllls to pleol thereto. II) consent the ca-e waa cou tlnnel for 'he term. B. I". Tt nti n 1 1 al. vr, II. W. Drlggs, Jr. .No one itpi tareil I ir the dtf-n lant, phtlullfr watawtriiant taveuvldeice. JuJgmentwas given for S?u and eaarla. l'ralt and l'ratt werunttormyafor the plalntl!! lliu trial nf Ihecatoof II. H. Cirltr vs. Melvlu Hockcr et it!., ft irupcrly dliute, was in prngtcM at noon. |