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Show nniMiiMi. Niiiiii(iLi.s i i.mi- I, AMI. Willi R all the I.uroi tan nallona aro more or leta agitate I by iilltlial com. pllcAtliut, Knglandja threatened with one of the mot', gigantic Industrial struggles known lo her history, or r-hap r-hap lo toe hlttory of any olhir w,un-try w,un-try Intheworll. l!rrtt Irani bun derliod and West Hartltl stale that t revd riots have alriady broken out. Tor several weeks a labor trouble of n inort drtermlne.1 character baa been going on. The inlnera of the Durham dlttrict In oppontlon to a reduction of wagiewintun strike. An Immenslly of destitution la the resull, ami though Ihoussndi of tho strikers sro now starving, starv-ing, yet they will not axept the terms of the ci lull, It. In Kngland at In lha United Hlslis organised labor has become a lwerful fores In political aud In-duttrlal In-duttrlal affairs. Tbs llrlllth trads unlooa re)rt some COO separato organisations or-ganisations with aif aggregate mem berthlpof nearly DOO.OOO. In irojior. tlon to the total population, Great llrltitn has a larger percentage of her workmen organised than have the United rStates. Uf lale years tho franchise has been so extendet that very nearly all wage workers can avail themselves of ltt rlvlhgea. Anl so esrneatly do they, appreciate thla boon that It la tald mlnera are now actually starving sootier than accct (nl lie) or (super relief, became It would dlMiuallfy them at the polls In tho landing elections. It la not along tho manufacturing and commercial liidutlrlea lu llrltalu I eat ore affected. Agriculture It at a ver low ebb. A few moiiiha ago,undir the auei leca of the National Mle-ral I'lderatlon, the rural laborers held a meeting In London, at which nearly every sblre and county wss well repre. eeuted. Thugrlevaiiceaceiiilalneit of were many and serious. In addition to depressed agricultural Interests which bear most heavily 011 the laborers, II was shown thai tipilrespvtont and landlords used their jsiwer and author lly to su j rets Hie idorla of tho work, ingchtteatu better themtelvee. One deteputs from the shadow .of Oxford University wanted free reading rooma wherolecturoarculJ budcllveieil without with-out being Intplred by Ihu a ulrei "whu lalKithOodHiid King." A delegate from WorcetteraMrs said that hundreds of acres were going out of cultivation, and that was why ruin were being driven tutn the eltlet. Farmers llltreated their tenants. He hlmtclf worked for the same eni loyer twent) jeers and finally had to give up lilt allotment "becautu he attended Liberal meetings." A delegate from l.ecclsterslilre stated Ihu cats of le shoemaker who rufusei to Join thu l'rlmrote League and was actually drlvru from the town. Delegate from various otherdlatrlcU alaiataled their grievances In a speitflo 1uatter.0f.fact manlier, which commanded the attention atten-tion of the 1 rest and public. This waa the llrtt atleni ton the part of the email farmers, tenants, and rural ru-ral IMwrera In Oieat Ilrllaln to set forth their grlewicea In a coucerlrd manner, and embracing tho whols ltland. 1 1 w as show 11 that In Hcotland 7000 persona poatested Z i.OW.OiM acre of arable land, and that uuly I,u(,0(M acres weru uudir rullhatloii. Alto that lu Qlnucetterahtro a ayndlcate of laborers purchaied watto land, built rotlagKi Uwn and Improved It, but as soon as the land wus made valuablo they were ruinously liinl for their own Imptovtmenti. All this govt to show that the Indutlrlal tl'.uillon lu Orcat llrltalu la nrlout and that trouble la ahead. |