Show France France Left Third of ofT T Territory LONboN LONDON June 24 france Ri-France France will be stripped of her defenses and her coastline e and reduced to toa toa toa a land locked land locked th third rd of her former t ferry f ory as i ported pr ce of armistice with G Germany and nd Italy Adolf HiU Hitler's rs terms terms as as published published pub pub- by the British government ct compel the French Frenc to surrender nor more ore e than half pal their country country to German 1 occupation to give up arms munitions fleet and planes to the nazis nazis to demobilize all armed forces forced except those needed to maintain order and nd t to bear the cost of the German o occupation and nazi administration of Hof of the occupied occupied occupied pied territories There was no official word Monda Monday on Italy's Italy s terms as present presented presented pre pre- sent d to the French peace mission mission mis mission mis- mis sion sion at Rome Sunday night But Buta a a fascist source in Switzerland said they called for Italian occupation occupation pation of Frances France's Mediterranean coast and eventual creation of a buffer state from maritime Alpine Alpine Al Al- Alpine pine territory including Savoy Nice and part of Dauphine l Ial Makes es Ally of France FranceA A British spokesman said the German terms made France virtually virtually virtually virtu virtu- ally a passive ally of Germany in her impending attack on The B British British- r i h government announced announced announced an an- it could no no longer regard the Bor Bordeaux ea x government of Premier Marshal Henri Philippe Pet Petain in as the government of of-an of an independent country H Henceforth the British declared they will deal with a i French national national na na- na- na lional committee announced hereby here hereby by General Charles de in m all aU matters concerning concerning the prosecution prosecution prose prose- cution ution of the war so long as that committee continues to represent all French elements resolved to fight the common enemy On An the other hand informed diplomatic sources sources said that although al although al- al though hough General Genera d continued continued contin contin- to have th the fullest support of the B British g government Britain is maintaining diplomatic relations relations relations rela rela- with the French government in Bordeau Bordea with the French ambassador Charles Corbin who remains ml don Envoy oy Reported Reported Leaving Leading The same sources however said that Sir Ronald Hugh Campbell British h ambassador to France had left aboard British a warship since the overrunning of France by the Germans had put his person in danger De s headquarters re reported reported reported re- re ported it was receiving a const constant nt stream of Frenchmen from nil all walks of life and there ther w was ws s a flood Continued on Page Pa Two Two Column Two H Reich's Peace Price Leaves France Third One-Third of Former Territory Continued from Page One of telephone calls and cable messages messages mes mes- sages backing his stand The French embassy declined to td comment on his status At his headquarters General de Saulle wore the uniform of the French army With him were a number of uniformed French officers officers officers of of- of- of several wearing medals and ribbons From all parts of the Fr French rich colonial empire came assurance assurance of such resolve In r Syria General Eugene French com- com mander-in-chief mander proclaimed his armies' armies readiness to continue the fight In Tunis Indo China Mor Morocco Morocco Morocco occo Senegal the Cameroon and there were similar dec dec- The armistice states that Germany Germany Germany Ger Ger- many has no intention of using for its own purposes during the war the French fleet stationed In ports under German control contro Its terms prelude to a wider European peace which one British British Brit- Brit ish sh informant said G Germany has no intention of discussing at the present stage permit the French Frencho to o establish their government at any point they choose even Paris But on penalty of cessation of the he armistice if the French do not fulfill their obligations they demand demand de de- demand mand Occupation by nazi troops of all territory north and west of wr C HJ a r y Y r va r o GEN CHARLES DE Organizes French resistance a line running from Geneva through Tours and then south to the Spanish-French Spanish border Demobilization and disarmament disarmament disarmament ment of all land sea and air forces except for a limited force needed to maintain order Internment of the French fleet except for units left freeto free freeto freeto to safeguard French colonial interests with recall of all ships outside French territorial waters waters waters wa wa- discontinuance ance of French merchant shipping with ships outside France to be recalled or ordered to neutral ports Surrender in good condition of land and coast defenses in Ger Ger- occupied man-occupied territory surrender surrender surrender der on demand of all artillery tanks other armament aircraft and munitions Release of all German prisoners prisoners prisoners pris pris- of war with French prisoners prisoners prisoners pris pris- of war remaining in German German German Ger Ger- man 1 ands hands until conclusion of a anal final nal peace surrender of all Ger Ger- man subjects indicated by the German government who are in France or French colonies Grounding of all French planes and surrender of foreign planes in unoccupied territory handing over in good condition of railways roads and communication communication communication cation systems systems' cessation of operation operation operation op op- of all wireless sending stations in French territory An appeal to crews of the French merchant fleet to make for British BritIsh Brit Brit- ish home shome or dominion ion ports was broadcast from London Sunday night by the International Federation Federation Federa Federa- tion of Seamen's Un Unions ons French line officials in New York declined comment on the f fate te of their company's ships The ton Normandie the lines line's flagship is the only French ship in New York harbor The ton Pasteur sailed a week ago with a cargo of gun equipment and am am- |