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Show Till. IM111IA rlllMIMI, A llliklaii Anil.nn lor hsltl l l tuiinrilttl Mill. II Nkw1 Yoiiic, Jau. 11 The l'arla correspondent of tho Wound aajs tho Itussluii ambatsailor tu 1'ruucu la ucciunl of having occet teil n bribe of $10X1,000 from Ihu l'niiarua Cimul thieves. As to thu proof of Ihu charge none has yet been furnlihed. lint Ulllumillluunlr-) Inil.t. I'oiiti AMI). Or , Jan. 14 The will of Ihu latu W. a. l.uud his Illed for I robato this afternoon. Charollue A. l.add, widow of tho deceased, uud his three tons, Willhm M., Charles 1.. nnd John W., ntu mined us tietutois. The widow Is liguiuthvJ Ihu family resldincuund tho ulock adjoining, to-getlur to-getlur with thu hou-ehohi furniture, horsee, carrlagis, etc , and nu annuity of $.0,000. l'o his thr.u tons lab.. queathed In tru.t all his li.teiuit III thu banking llrm of Ludd &. lllton. I'our hundied and llfly thousand dollars is left In trust with Ihe executors to he u.ed for educatloii.il und eharltablu lurpotea III this city nnd statu. The liustees are given full power uttj dls-cntlun dls-cntlun to select and dcslguatu thu henellclarlis ot tho biqueat lo his mother, it ho resides In Maldoo, Mats hu left un annuity of f 10,000. A num. tor of other relatives of the deceased, living In Matsaohutettis and IS'uw Hampshire, uro bequeathed uunultles fro.nl'JIIOtoJIOO. Tho remainder of the estate, which coiittttutes tho bulk of tin. proert),ls bequeathed as follows, l'o his widow and twnsoor, Wllllaiiill.andCharliF one llllh, altolutoly; to his ileugh' lerr, Helen l.add Coibelt nf Portland Port-land und Cutolliin l.add l'ralt of Urool.lyu, New York, euch onu. leuth, olisolutily; Wetley hoJd, Ihe youugutt sou, Is beiueathed ouo' filth lu trunt until he Is 40 years of ugo. The will was eieeuted and tUnid DecemUri.0, lbO.'. |