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Show k PARRICIDE. Awful Tragedy Enacted at -Chester, Pennsylvania, A HOY'S JlimnEIUlUS ASSAULT On Ills Agsd Father and Mote and a Sister. tiig nrin.T or a amii v nun Ureal I aellsi.unt I'rf rnlllne In Hie tuuiuiu.illjl TMbluz or Ijiirtili.it. Chestfii, I'J , Jan. 1 ). A tragedy nu euaclod hero Ibis afternoon which will result lu the loss of tiro live ami In all probability the conviction of rhomss 1 lodgers iii a uoublo iiariiclJe. ltodgrrs Is 24 years olJ. Ilia lAtlur, Thomas lladgers, wa. aged bO, aud IiIj mother, Martin Arm, wan about tin ur.o ago. Thomas' fslhi r reprimanded him today for laxltus?, declaring that he must go tu work. Thorn is an. awered"You can't put rue out," nnd going up stairs secured his brotlicr-ln-law'a revolver. Ilia wife uml daughter tried to savu Jtodgirs, hut lliomis dcllberutely fired tiro bullets luto his father. Thu tint shot entered thu thigh and tho lecond lodced III his heart. Alter his Hither had fallen to the floor young Dodgers kicked him lu thu lace. Ills mother attempted to escape I) a cellar door, hut a bullet from the rerolrer struck lur In thu back and renctraled tier loft lung. Ills sister. Mrs. Kllldry, lied from the house, and tho brother shot lur while shu run In almost tho same plaiu thut he wounded his mother, lnu bullet glanced on her shoulder blade uud thus saved tin young woman's life. Thu revolver was now empty and the murderer ran up thu street to an alderman's ufllcc. and entering locked Hie door against thu largo crowd which lollowid. Thu pollen weru notllled and ltougcra wies locked up. Thu three victims with taken to ahoapltal,whiru the ihyslcluna announced Hut the wounded father and mother could not llreuntllinorning. Jlotli parents Ik-listed Ik-listed their son Intended to kill his father. You ugltodgnn said that the attack wss Ilia result ot u family row, and that he Inteudud to kill thu old man. lie gave no reason, however, fortheassiulton his mother and sister. Tbrrnlimuch itxcltemenl In tho community com-munity ana extra jrecautlons hare beeu taken by thu police to guard agalott lynching. ltoUgers, Hr, died shortly after 0 o'clock tonight. |