Show F s rs y s g M U Cabor Cab abolt notes not S. S Following are arc the time announcements of or the there re regular meetings meetings' t to b be bc held tonight lt In tho tha Federation halls No 0 2 Xo No o. o 3 Board Roan of oC Ira Trade c Council Coune No o. o 1 j 1 Horse Horse- The Molders Molders' union of ot Ottawa Canada has hils filed a demand for a minimum waro wagn of or S. S O a day for plate molders and ami 43 43 a a. day clay for machine ml molders The demand domanti de do- mand manti of or the lie stone plate men hits has been granted but the other oIlier employers object to establishing a union minimum wage At a meeting of oC tho sliding scab Joint committee for or South Wales ales and Mon Ion Ion- held at Cardiff Wales aies u 11 i further further further fur fur- ther r reduction In colliers colliers' wages of of'S S 5 per percent percent cent was wai declared d. d This wilt will kayo kavo them al at l 4 per ler cent obo above tho the ba Is of or the reductions of M the tue last eighteen months being considerable The convention n of tho International Association As As- of Boot and Shoe Workers was as held recently at Detroit Mich President TobIn's report seemed eem d to Indicate that better wages and moW freedom could coull be enjoyed UnlIt under the a associations association's tl ns n's present system of oC arbitration titan Mian was po possible sl lo under the old strike method Tho Northumberland d En England Miners Miners' n association reports that only mh two of ot It Its members arc on the work out relief fund rund so prosperous has hascen been cen the coal In iii its district At a meeting of or delegates of or labor unions at Wellington New Zealand the arbitration act was wai strongly tl denounced It Jt W was S rd to hold a conference of or all nit unions to cons consider Idol their position posIt Lord James of ot Hereford who has hat been hern presiding at al an nn arbitration conference of coal cool owners and miners of Yorkshire South l Wales lc and anti Scotland B lis ch n a casting vote oto in ren-or ren r of oC the owners owners owners own own- ers The difficUlty In flics wa Witt was one o of or W wages nil anti h his B decision usa has as tho time effect of or th the miners miners' 10 io pa pay p pr per cent from th the first up UY In Jul July i f J e |