Show HIS FACULTIES RESTORED NEAR HIS ALMA ALFA MATER DATE 1 R Devout Relatives Claim His Return Home Was the Result of Their Incessant Praying WAKA Ind July 13 Has Has t the e Incessant ant prayer of oC a mother in the twentieth t century the same efficacy which finally was shown to have ht been possessed b by St. St Monica when she prayed for fOI more than a score of years for Cor the conversion con of ot her son who later Infer became St St. Augustine The theor theory Is Js provoked c h by the return to this city of oC Theodore a successful business man said to be a 0 relative of ot Bishop of Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleve Cleve- land who ho deserted his h business s and his relatives ten years ago OJO and vanished completely I Ever et since he left lell the mother fa father ther and unmarried ron 1011 ton Fr Frank have ha faithfully faithfully faith faith- Cull fully and without the knowledge of or the public recited l er e every night the five nc decades de- de decades decades de de- cades of the tho Catholic rosary rosary- rosar The prayer pray pray- er was offered that the they might be accorded accorded accorded ac ac- corded the tI privilege e of ot seeing once more the mysteriously missing son and brother or If Ir dead to have hae revealed re unto them the manner In which he hemet hemet hemet met his fate and where his bones hones might be found Wh When n tho the theory that he was d dead d had been finall finally accepted th the tho quiet prayer In the humble home horn was WIlS still b by the devout trio It was answered d by the return of the ton son Frida Fri Fri- da day himself furn furnishes a study for the psychologist His Ills minis mind min mindla d la is a a. blank concerning hl his hili career pr during during- dg g the ten years ear of ot his hili absence He cannot cannot cannot can can- not explain wh why he departed where h hhas he e has been nor by what means means- means he ire has es s earned e a n. living Jiving I have nothing nothing- to forget torget he tol told d the correspondent for tor there Is nothing nothing- g In n my mind to rem remember It was waR while re resting In the shadow shallow of or St. St college Buffalo his alma alm a mater m that his faculties were reB restored and his mind mine resumed Its normal state Thoughts of oC his parents and home tom e flashed through gh his mind He lie obtained 1 mone money from rom a former Cormer In Instructor In th the e university and hastened home to those thos e who 10 loved ll him and had prayed to so 0 Ince Incessantly In In- ce can Sl give no In Interview interview In In- b because ause the ten years are t to o him hint only like a dr dream |