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Show l'rob.ite t mrt. llutlncii In tho 1'rjbato court this morning! Kilato of William Ammermtc; deceased. de-ceased. Hearing on final account and tetitloo for distribution cam on regularly; regu-larly; i root of jiostlaguiilaf nb'lli lug notlco approved. John M. LtlUr and C. J. Thompson sworn mil examined. ex-amined. Accauut allowed aud distribution distri-bution inido aa praytd. IMateof Carusllut (Irctu, deemed. Iliarlngnu llmlscc uul nrd intllion for dlitrlbullou utino on ugulsrly, Clitlttluo C. (Jinn swurn mid ' nnilnod. Accrunt allowed aul distribution distri-bution iiiiju at prnye 1. l.slato uf William (J. QiIiiii, i!c. coesud. OrJir tunle so Hug April 0, HU3, tolietir filial racouut uud ltl-tbiifordlitrlbutl.il. ltl-tbiifordlitrlbutl.il. Uilnlo nud giiarJIanslilp of May Ann Murphy el al., niliiurt. On mo-Ion mo-Ion ufnltoruoy leave wai gtauled to withdraw teojiint uf guardiaus and hinting ordered dlsmlt eJ. Instate of lliith Warner, defeased. Hearlngou petition for robtteof will. Iltrry lluiuer sworn ani ixumlned. Order mado adinltllng will to probatu aud nppolullng l.imly Watner executrix ex-ecutrix without bonce, under.the terms ut Iho will on taking the necessary oath, l.slule and guardianship of Daniel Ii. I'etertoii, minor. 1'etllion for letters let-ters of guardianship, i;, l.ar.on worn nud examined. Order inado apKilutltig Lars J.. Lariou guardian on filing a bond lu thoiu n o' SlUJnud taking thn mcesiaiy oath, ll-iad ap- l.iutu ol Mary Ann I'roctir, de-ceatod. de-ceatod. Hearing on (otllbu for distribution dis-tribution cauio on ntjur order. Proof of potting and publishing approved. Martha Ldwarls DivlJrou au I lloyal I'roctor sworn and examined. Deeds and assignment from Ja. C. l.dwards to Moroni l.dwards, and Mary 1). Amy to Moroni Hdwards, aud John James I'roctor lo Muonl K I wards, ollercd out received In evidence. Aiojunt albwnl and made at pru) re. ltateaudguardUushlp uf luiilllu Taylor, minor. Heirlugnn e.uarJln 't anuual aicount came on atercon-tliiuanee. atercon-tliiuanee. Order made allowing au-count. au-count. I'.stnte ofKlwarl Hraln, deceasod. Order made silting 21t lint, lo hear petition for salo uf po s mal prol erty. J state uf Marl Diugerlleld, de-(eased. de-(eased. Order mado setting Mulch "-itti to hear etlllon for litters of aj-uilulttratlon. |