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Show Till: lllIM.il S(.t Mill.. Instead of reaching a conclusion by this lime, at waa generally supposed at the Iwglnnlugof the proceedings would bethecase, tho gnat French scandal Is becoming more Intense and wide sptotd. The cene In the court room whenM, Jlourgeoltc, late inliilalirof lutllce, catnelu, la described as being rimlnlscent of the commune; and when wo reflect how little it tnkia to preclllato tho merctirlil French 1 0 utace from audi a con lltljn lutoan actual ctitbruik, thu slluatlon takes on the uppotraace of a really serious one. Thupronenru ot the jcoplotodli order teems tn maulfctt Itself almost without n atralnt on all great occasions. Tho spectacle of a defendant arising In rcurt and addreulng himself personally per-sonally and defiantly to a wltues called to teitlfy ngaluit blm, is one (list inakea peo le In the newer world wonder; In no ourl, not even that of a Justice ol the esce, In this country would such a thin bo toleratod and the olTeiiJer esoapo with a mere reminder from the court that It was Impr iperj an I It It occurred oc-curred In any court bstweei the Mieslsslppl river an! tho Ilrltlsb channel tho perpetrator would have Ueu hushed Into alienee by such means as woulJ haTo been cllrctual thtreaflcr. It seems that of all the I.allu races the French retain the greatest degreo nt ancient ltouun luibulcnceand shiftiness. |