Show ODDS AND ENDS An odd parasol is of white satin perfectly perfectly perfectly per per- plain except for a garland of violets which encircles the edge The newest game is not ping iping It Itis Itis Itis is a a. second cousin to it however and bears the euphonious name of chuckchuck chuckchuck chuckchuck chuck chuck There Is now In Berlin a public cafe that keeps twelve pong ping tables s and many families go in for this game after dinner cUnner of an evening Quantities of or flowers are used as berthes her ber- thes chatelaines chatelaine and sprays prays for evening even v nIng n- n ing wear vear and some som of the daintiest sleeves are arc composed entirely of chains of or flowers Linon de sole soie soie embroidered plume crystalline orion onon satin and pekin are used most for the favorite slips with lace yokes or fronts or and embroideries at f flowers Soft China or silks patterned with quaint gai garlands lands and sprays of or roses pansies and other flowers and flowered muslins and taffetas ate are quite the prettiest thing we have had for a along along along long time New New York CommercIal Ad |