Show t i. i H 44 t M t 4 M 4 M 4 t 4 M I 0 M M 4 4 M H V ANOTHER WEEK J 1 Ht t. t M I. I M t. t M M MM M H MM 4 Safely through another we week k God hath brought t us on oil our vay wiy v y So says the good old hymn of pr praise ise and thanksgiving and so so say we with all our friends and neighbors who in common share the time advantages delights and blessings of life in ill the happy valley of Salt Lake e. e V The he week just closing has hus been a a 1 good and fruitful wf week k The Time skies have been heen blue the air b and Nature has been smiling upon us is s as asis is isher isher her ita habit bit at this time of the year String Sprung shopping has been active e and our main thoroughfares have been illumined with Avith the fairest flowers of Utah W womanhood on shirt waists intent jt It It V always al is ue we l of a Saturday to fo let our thoughts trek ek back in order to remember for what on the time morrow particularly we sl should give thanks On tillS this occasion there is som something thing well worth a separate and distinct thank than Today our mothers wives sisters and sweethearts call can walk valk the whole len length th of Main street safe from the s sand and insults of the corner hoodlums who have been th their r tenor terror almost time out of mi mind d Chief Paul Paulis is properly showing shoving his respect for the ladies ies of the community in ill decreeing that offensive assemblages of statues on the time street corners shall be mercilessly mercilessly mercilessly merci merci- lessly prevented in future He TIe is entitled to the gratitude of every respectable family in Salt Lake C City ty for his co course and action in matter which IraA have ha e had the result of saving a a number of hoodlum heads from being smashed by irate citizens For what we we have received Lord make u us truly thankful thankful thank thank- ful ill V V |