Show RATES iKus REDUCED ON LOW GRADE ORES 1 i Tintic's battle for a reduction in freight rates and smelter charges on the low-grade low ores of at the camp has been won at all points excepting the American Smelting and Refining company company company com com- to forward pany which promises promises- come with concessions when Its big smelter starts in June On all ores of the value of 15 or less lessa a ton the tariff from from Tintic to tei the valley valley valley val val- ley smelters will vIll be reduced 40 per cent or to o per per ton and on Iron fluxes 38 per cent or to per ton In addition the Bingham Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Consoli Consoli- dated smelter which has already made concessions to some of the producers announces further reductions of from 1 to in the treatment charges on the low-grade low ores The new rate takes effect on June and will permit the marketing at a a. profit of ores aggregating tons with an average value of 12 a ton The profits to the camp will be it is la estimated d in the neighborhood of In the list of mines with n. n vast tonnage of low-grade low ore In sight the Grand Central probably leads with tons on the dump and In Insight Insight insight sight in the he mine Of the others the Star Consolidated Sw Swansea and Uncle Sam are said to have each South Swansea Eagle Blue Bell Bell Belland and Bullion Beck ck and Centennial Eureka Godiva Mammoth May Day Yankee Lower Mammoth Ajax Gemini Carisa and others others' from front tons down to The Dragon Iron mine alone will Aill profit from the rate on fluxes The Short LIne Une and Rio Grande Western have done a great thing for the in- in r and will probably now bring I relief relief to oth other r cam camps s than Tintic I |