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Show ELLSWORTH SCORED. Charts and InslnuUlois Against Ihe Deputy City Recorder. IUUMII. iltMl HI" ltLJUHI.H. Itlcli InlridiicM a llfuitntlnn lo Hat I flu I, Hut '.rllon I. 1'xlpaiKl After ft lint lldiltf. Last nUht'aClly Council uioctlu waau warm an I miinewhit iwna itlonal one. Heiloui ihargia nnd dmiiiil" lualniiutloiK wera nuneroiily nulo ntaluat l)puty Clt IticjrJor I.lintr l.ll.worth. rim Council w ulled to order al a lDn'oloilthy 1'rB.blint l.mfbourow. rim URtiiber. lu nUciiJiica were 11 ch, Tolland, liar ly, Mornii, H rn, litwaun, Lvina, Kell), HairJalo, Hlmoudl, WanlUnJ, lltilaaj IJ Absent llell, Knrrlc!. 2. Altho ojoi.liii! It waa dl.covireil tbatthoiulmitraof Ihopreilou. melting melt-ing were not forthoiiiilni. Tne ex I lauatl in ai made that bteuoraphcr Vatidrh)njoi lul heanoillel toO deiijeiterJaytoteitlfy In the I'iV"11 damage ault oijalmt thu city mid for 1 thatriaaoii tbo tnluutva weru not oil hand. Jtloh tnolt the (loot aud rpolin I In lain and uilulHi Urina aalutt tho alleged ulllcUl carf Icraiuaa nml uhl r uoudiiot of t Deputy llecolder 1 Imtr 1-lliwnrtli. riuttlllflil, lioaald, wai notiliihig hla ' duly. Ho wai nialettlng work for which ho wa aid by tho city for tho I'rallllcatloiiof dialna nit at nil torn- ' Umunlar t u moral uiuu Ilia ' avirago lime of MUnJui(.o ut tho j iinictiwatlrtijiuiitly not ru.ro tluuu coii lo of houra er day lie wiulJ anihlu Into thu oily 1 all with n lordly alrnhoutmld day, tnko upii altlon limbic arm chair, rahe hla willro. lorllnnwl odila on tn a ileik, anil display thein lu Ihu km of Ihe ibllo, mokuiiclirir, oratk alo and Milur lake with Urn otilkutlerka forn whlh, phk up hla hat, al "go-Hl bj, ln," , aud go lo Iiiiioi alii nlurn w.ll whrnhu waakoudniidnidy. Hit work oflhwotllou waaoindnitBJ by cltrl amUhtapiiHti hlrtd t (i norm the diillia of llii ilrUl. He mov.d to aboliali tfiuolllce, aa)lnglhatll wasu .UlllllllOUIUUK. 1-ollaud fecoiidid tb inulloli on thu broader aud mor. alablo Kroiind, he .ill, Hut It waa an lujiiatnu to th taxpayora to ntaln men lu cflloo wlu daw jiy for work Uiil una tlthir donu hy otneoua ulie or lull undone altogetbir It waallmu, In hlauiluluu, to cilia halt. Moral! movud tu tablu tho motion Indefinitely. rue motion wna voted il iwu, llrh UKilntoik the Hour and Inn lunching )ih ho declared that not. wltliitandliig thu ati.mco of Hecorder Hlanton, tho Hike una balng prai.ll-callv prai.ll-callv run by a JVS ir month clerk and thu'Mayur'a miB.ongir lny who waa linking n inrieuhittu of 1, il, I or 6 cunt ir IIiv.hu. Hum coucurrod nlili Itlch, but thought t,hat out of dikauio to tbo ricotdir, furtblr ndlou ahuiild Iw I n.luiued until hi. return from Mlnue, aotn, Huviral of thu (ouncllmun thou M oku lu favor of Ullaworlli'a n moval hut th night that it woul 1 be unfair to funutho laiueln Mr.rilantou'onbiiriiri. Itlch nudllalid for 1 fiw moimuta au I (hen riBuntud iho followlug Ihaolrnl 1 Iml I liner I llenorlli bo an I la hunhv renin id Iron" tno ollku ol ilei my ie order of Salt Iwiko thj iltiirlthy Kk lu favorof thu no liitlan, but thought that it would not Ie vMku to alol It until Mr. litantou retuiueJ Irom Iho 1 ait. I.iwmh eald that tho T.lleral nil iKlulalrntli.il could not allord to ho dlriiriuud In Iho manlier It had lomu lo hla tare that LUawurth waa illmirac-log illmirac-log It. He waa In Iaor of hi role mniauroa Ktlly diclared that l.llaworth had UoiiUtrajing tbo Council, hla chief, and ruvtalin,: mallei that ihoul I only havo rrulvud hla conllduntlal con-aldi con-aldi ration. . . Hvaiia tinted III langoa.-o emphatic and eaally undirttiod that 1 llaworlb, In hla wtak and luuy attempt to lu fiinnj, hal bell tbu (oiiucll up to rldkulo ant had mado laiighlnR Blink of Ihe in Tho dlitu.alon contbiuod III Ihla train for roinutlnu, afit-r which tb reaolutlon waa laid on tbe table uutll , lomurow uliibt. w- " |