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Show ADLAI HONORED. Democrats Hold an Enthusiastic Gathering, AT Till: MUSIC HAM,, ST. LOUIS. The Vice-president-Elect Hakes a Few Brie! Ilemarks. l iiiruit jnviv Aiinitr.M. The llrsalest nud Jleil rlKn lllenn I Con.f.iiipiirn or Hie Vlclorr l Koiinihrr . Bt. Ixiuis, Mo., Nov. 10. There "Man i nthiismitlo gathering of Democrats Dem-ocrats at tho Muslo Hall hero tonight lo testily their appreciation of tho results re-sults of Nov. Stli last, nud to do honor loAdlal 11. Stevenson, vlco-1'roildent iloctof tho United Btates. Mr. Bit-vouMn Bit-vouMn walked ujon tha stagu lu view of tho thousands waiting vo seo him. A volcano of npplnuio and cheers nrosn which did not subside for suvenl mlniitee. Thu speech of tho vice Presldeut-eh ct lu re ly Wa. very brief, he conti ntlng himself by men ly returning acknowledgments for thu evening's honors. "1 congratulate you," ho sold, "upon tho fact that) on did ttan 1 up for Missouri, nud 1 trust you will not forget that wu stood up for Illinois." Tremendous applause followed his few remarks, alter which Major Noonuu introduced IMItor Charles II. Jones of iho bt. IhjiiIs lUpuVta, who mndu tho prlncli al speech uf the u cuing, cu-ing, audi y far the moat aemntlounl one. Hesald, In part: "The Democratic parly wna right on tho Issues, and thu rieult demonstrated they had exactly thu right candidates. No party In American h slory hat had u grander lender than the Democratic I arty lu thu last light jear a ilaln, resoluln mill, devoid nf se-lllsli munition, muni-tion, patilotlcall) loyal tu his country U good; lnsvnialh) and touch with the great man of tlm poli, and determined deter-mined lo make I fu oaniir lor them; unbrlltd 1 llnttery anl unnwed by power; keeping nlMaia In mind thut pu Ilu olllce 1 a public trust. Ouch n nan was uur louder." 'The victory last Tuesday," said Mr. Jones, was a revolution. Democratic Demo-cratic lilluols mean, that Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, IowiiandMln-nuKjia IowiiandMln-nuKjia will booh bu surely Dnnocrattc, and even Ohio may get In If alio tries Ititgalu. Willi thu great states of the central writ Democratic, tho north, west will Join hands with thu ninth, wist In closing the Democratic! circle, and then It will ho seen that thu Dum. ocralla ally lis. come uu.t to grow up with tho country. 1 havu nothing to say against Nuw Yolk, but bellevu we shall nil llkoyou belturwhen Iho tlmo comes, as I liellevo It has now come, when wu don't havu to look ut New Yoik Dim icrsls through n glass that magnifies a hundred dlimeters. 'Heretofore when thu Democratic factions lu Now Yoik Clly gut lo caterwaullug ovir some petty local matter the Democrats of Ihu country had to get up with their hair standing on end and nsk in frnr 'Is thu parly smashed and hnvo ttoall gone to Ihe bow-wows?' Now York factious cau squabble lo Ihelr hearts content now. It was not n wholiscme xllllcnl condition, condi-tion, when ono Presidential election after another with all their stupendous comimu lues hung upon tho carrying of ono state. It distorted Ihe relative Importance) of the states, and Iho relative rela-tive Importance of party leaders. "l'erhap. tlm greatist and moat far-reaching far-reaching elgnlllcanco uf Tuntday's victory ia that It luosunel the clutches of New York upon Iho throat of tho party aud transfers the political control con-trol to tho sunset sldu of thu Alleghonles, It means nn emancipated emanci-pated parly, disenthralled Wist, nnd u magiililceiit future, of prosperity for this great Mlsilsslpl valley." Congressman Hcottof Illinois, Governor Gov-ernor Francis of Missouri, nnd others also spoke. |