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Show 111)1. ItlVlMi. FhhkcV Co, the Phtlalelihla wool commission merchants, lu their wool review for Ihe week ending April 10, ISO-, state that tho market ll growing more active, and that a atendlcr feeling prevails at a result of tho reaction In irtcesatthe London auctions, where colonial wool Is entirely sold. At first thciewas a decline ol a crctnt.lu theso salts, but later on au advance of 7 to 10 cr cent, was lobtalued over January prices owing to the brisk demand de-mand from the continent. This Im irovemtutlu Kuropehas notalltcted I rices here, exci pt that it gives buyers moruconfldvucc. rim feeling prevails that If the rise abroad shall be maintained, It will ultimately ul-timately have a strengthening eHett on Amtrleaii prices. At the Loudon sale up to the 13th lust. ISS.OOiJ ba'ea of Australian wool wro sold, OH Inlet of which were for the United Blatca. The range of prices quoted In Phlla deli Ida for the wiek mentioned, for Colorado, Utah and Wyoming wool, was: Pine, IS to 19, nn dlum U to 21, lino nudlnnl H tni'; for New Mexico and Arlroua, choice improved IS to in, aversge Impruved 10 to 13, coarse I I to 10. |