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Show tdllllT .KlTTIMlS. Matlrri Mlilrli Oi rurrrd I ate WitenllJ Allimoou lu the .irlnut Cour i. In thocaiocf Hdney I, i;ana vs. Mrs. Initio Mliwr, a etilt for $101 id, the dtfendaut haa flltil a demurrtr In Juitlco Hall's court In thu caaeof IJtltn M, Krlpbsum ti. A. J. Nielen, In which the j try retidcrtd a verdict lnJunko llall'a uurt Tuesday lu favor of the defendant, defend-ant, tho palnllu" baa llltd a bond and nollco of ppt to the third DUtrlct Coart. The ault was br ughltorecovir Jill) ou n prominery iiott. Juillci Kroiger rendered ludgment Knluil tho fulhinliig psillea In favor if IhuTurriRteii I)rtiRuouiiu Johannes llalvorioii, ISI; W O. Adami, ,-t M, Joe Ullmer, $110. tnthocwaoof J. A e rlticli vi, 1 he Bait l,ake Abalrw-t, '1 ale Uiiaranttn aud Trual Uompuuy, tn which the I lilutlir sue forSi.o;i, tho delend-nut delend-nut haa anawered to the amended complaint com-plaint In Juilloe Kri ext r'aiourl., The dtfendaut haa lll.il a demurrer to Ibe complaint In tbo ra,e of W, J 8ev) v The JWoOmado Weatem ltillwaj company luJiutiteKroeer'a ootirl. The plalntl'I in tula taae de-miuda de-miuda Judgment forl"n, the alleged value of horre which ho elalma wai killed by train on the defendant's ruad Aniwtrnfthit defendant has triu filed with Juitlrnlvrai ,r In tbu cam f A Dale vs. M. I,. ir,vmor The Chicago II 11 I abtnet Com-inii) Com-inii) haa lit gun suit agnlnut 1,. H. Whitehead lu Ju-tlcc (iee'aoiuit, aul demaudajudgtuant for (.ton a prom-liaory prom-liaory noli. the cate of Harah C Uerrltk vr.T II. l.dwarda. In whl-l the plalnilU fcued tu recover $18 alleged to lo due from the defendant for board and lodging, was beard In I'ommiialoner Ureennian's court, anl pidgmcnt rtndettd In favor of the lalntlll for tho full amount wllheosta. Deruty Manhil I tank Cleveland It It Ihe city thla morning with John 0 Thumpion, the nlltgej Uhlo em-beztler em-beztler Thn acr-uai 1 will gi to roledu, Ohio, where ho wilt await a filial huirlug. Anna Maliiulit hut bejuti divorce 1 rorttdltiga agalntt her huaban I John r. Mnlqutet, In the Tl Irl Dlalilcl court The parties wi ro uiarrhd In ( ojmlugeu in 1870 nnd eame to thla eoiiutry aoou alter. Thi plalntltr alleges lint the d fendant iltttrltil her alioul thirletn yiara ago and haa tailed tulive with or (rotlle for her since that time. It laaliu allegil that de fiiidaut trealod the I lalntlirin a orinl manner prior to thrlr eparallon. Ui-ou Ui-ou theie grounda the utcne It rnyed for. ThograndJury at Ogleu adjourned yeiterday until noit Tuesday morn-Ing, morn-Ing, when they will meet again to trantnet some bustnere I ot yet reached. In the meantime the He' nn achool and thejalla will bevlttltd. |