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Show in i -iirn A lley Hills I r..lr.-.r elirl nl. rides VirNVA,Bepl. IS In Idrnapol, n town of Austrian fiallcla, as a niunl-ur of boys attrudlu,- the gymiiasluai tharo wero liavlug tbe bulldfni Jeslerday after their ftu Hit lor the day wero ended, a lad naruid John BchweJIa, draw a revolver aud with outaword of warnlug, find at l'rof. Il 1 till (llowackf, killing him Instantly. Bcnwudal then turned his wean agalnit hlmsell and blow his bralnsouL Tbe murder was duo to a giudge the boy had euu llalned for a long time agtlnst tho rofessor. In Keareh of lanllles. Madiuii, Beit. IS. The govern ment recently sent a gunboat to (Ja Juby lodlrrover the fate of thu crrafi ol "k cord," the Baulli viael that was cat lurid a short time ago by arlloa from Morocco. Among tbo ca lives are a travel r and hi wife, and It was thought that they, together with Ibe new, had been aolu Into slavery. 1 lis c Ulcers of the guntmat have leurno-l, however, that all the car tlvis aro Iu the hauJs ul Iho Moots at 1'urchcl and that their mj tora havo dirnauded u ransom for their surrender. sur-render. Thsotllcers notified tbu government gov-ernment and Instructions wire seut to them to jiay tho uione dimsudcd for the relesse ol tho prisoners. riei.nl.llr.il Vlclorr Iu eriiinnt. Hutlanii, Vermont, Bept. IS Hull returns show that Fuller, lteiiblnan, has lieeii elected (lovcruor cverBmal ley, Democrat, by a lurallty uf lU.WII. Coloured Willi lbS, tho returns show a Ileiubllin loan of 0262, Dimocratl loss of 1 and a Prohibition gain of -57. Arris at nraieanieea. COAIiAMisi, Bept. IS. Thero ar rived this morning tlio sttameia "Croft" from Dundee and "Cublad Coudul" Irom Havaoa. Thn laltir had unly one sssenger, as the others decllued to sail, fearing tbo twenty days' iiiaranllne here. the North lienuau Lloyd steamer "Trave" Irom llremen aud Houlhamp-tou Houlhamp-tou drupi-u! auihurntO o'clock aud la awaiting tbe bialttiotllccra. The Jf-itate Nevada" Irom (JUsow rcporta all well on board. sirs. I.nrelaoa Mlablljr Heller. Loos Lam, N.Y., Bet. 15 Mrs. Hanlton was slightly better this inuru-liiHs inuru-liiHs Tj.liul.l leter, ellioler. IHlnoll, r-ot. 13 A dispatch from Baultrite. Maile. Mhh , aaya the remrtid csm-s of iholera on board 11 e "Lyou" are ty hold levir. Ilelease lor "NoeelalinU i" lnsseu J'liib leiANU, Bet, IS "Nor. mannta'a" cabin paeaenger'e will lo ri leasid from quarantine tomorrow. The custom ofllceis are here today ox amlnlng tbe baggage and tbe i-nestn gers are inaklug tholr declarations. A boat will, tomorrow morning, convoy the (aieungers from hero tolliecom pany'a dock at Hotiokeu Illarejiort ed that several taase!igrra have sui-leedtd sui-leedtd in making their reca Irum luaraulliie ben. A l.illl.lun hrw IIhuksw ick, N. J , Bepl. 13 A collision orcurrul at mllnlglit last night bitwten two freight trains on the Pennsylvania rallroal mar I'lU-Htrt I'lU-Htrt ugh. About a dozen freight cars wero w rooked, ulid the riad was tlockaded lorai-oul three hours, ISo oue is reorled seriously Injured. Anullier llalleoad Aeelilent. Maiibiiai lixiwn, Iowa, Bijl 18. A lad lolllelou orcurrvil at noon on the ( hlragu anl .Northwestern road about Ibrio miles west of Mar ahalllowu, between a freight and ac-uimraodatlon ac-uimraodatlon tralu, both running at high i eed on a curve Hyvi ral train tutn were strloualy Injured, some irobatl-, stall), riijslclans wero lustily summoned from hero and have gonu to the seem l'ar tlculars are not jet obtainable, lour men aro reported under tbe wrockajt, nllirobablydead, e.Vork llepiililli-aus In leuscnllen. lltTpiAio, N. Y , Bept. 15 rhefliti annual convention of tbo ISatlnual I eaguu of lleiubllcan Clubs Is luM here today, J. .N. Hirntcliird prisldlr g Alter irayer aud welcome U) Judge 1 lalght, I rrsldt nt Clarl son arose timid lilsuse, He aiknow lodged thu wtl loins, oil) Ulnliig the fslllug oil In (he tiltcled attvudatico and said II was largely duu 1 1 the cholera scaro kie . lug away many dehgatea. Messrs Blalguter (.Netruk)HPd lostrr(IIII noli) were named as assistant eorie larha. |