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Show H FIUGUKMS. H No tnln h'l ln lllnl In th omen of H (lit Third District court lull up lo3 j o'clock. H Joiim ntVIta. a rtwIJsrit of Wnsat-li. 1 waa nlmluml to cltlamalilp ljr Ju.lso 1 2an tills afternoon. Lflfl! IX O. IIkowi has AIM n atlaclniisn; H ault afloat J. H. Clark In tb 'rlillil 1 Dlatrlci court to colIooH &. B H. (I. I.AUurnr, IWi, U trimllng 1 Ihroujh Heslsr and ntlmr antulii-rn coiiri- H Umioihalnttriiat of an rattoru Illo In H auranca company. HI JcKnoLioiiTiT,ii1ronknlnillvMul Willi brokm aiiklr, m orrescnl by Hi B i pollco liil night and tout lo lli SWsra HHI liotptMi. Bfl Tim rrnulir monthly inaction of tlie H First inoroln of l.ldcra will bo lielJ tills K cvolnif In Ilia KoiirirenthwariUtietntly Hf rooms, commencing at 7 30. J ' OiLTono onltr u ma lo liy Judzo fl Bartoli Intna rrotiatocotmtbla liiumliitf. 1 It was In reff rent-e to tho ptuto of Mult f 1'ttetMU, tlcnaiKil 'lumday, January H 3rd, lt3, att for liMtlnir tlio i-clliioii K fur apppolnimant ol Coininltsloiiers lo H waka parllllou. HS ItonkliT .McIioiai I), a youth' of 11 f ytara, vtlioaa record a vrronit ilmr la m wall known In thlt communlly, ra ar H raaibdUylbo ikiIIco this forcuoon mi a M chares of aliallug a slsil from Manilla B llros.' aloro. 'I lio lmf and Ilia alaluii arc m both at tba pollco station. R Til rRU are thirteen boys, ranulnir from H Un lo fourteen years of ago.iiow enntlneU In Ilia city full on charirw of otly thlcv H int. Siuia of tbi.nl havo been arretted B from tbreo lo six (Inlet for similar ol- E fensea before and III now In all ptobabll m lly be aenl to llio territorial Ilcforin H acbool. H It tha rasa of tha Wasatch Mining Co. B Ta. Joseph A. Jennluila at al , tba stlula. H tlou wat aubuilttod to Juiloo anutblt H ariernoou on testimony laktn at Ilia H former trial. Tho mailer win argunl liy H Attornr IJIokaon on tho aids of tbo m plalntlilaaud by Attorney ltanllna for H tbu dofondauta. Hj Aaiaatoxof the County court ai to 1 Lava ton beld thl niornliiif, but a M fielectrnen Jlartch ami C'aboon were tliv H only ineiiibera ol thu botrd prraenl, an B adjournment wai laknn until tho after H coou. Tbo qucfclloti of the llroprootlntf H ol tbo new etty aud county butldlug will H attain coma up at tbla aeialon. H A litaaiA, wboifave tlm unpronouuoo H able name of lYlrovlukloliiraty wat H " taken before Juilco (loo on n charge of H Tarancy. llowaa glren tile freedom on 1 rcmmtiiendatloii of llio proaK.ullou. who IbouKht that Jailor ltalolKh would not be H ablo lo accomntodalo both Ilia dcfenJnut H anil lit liamo. and ho know of no way 1 whereby they could bo at juirated. H At'ilt tT VlL.f haa filed H null for dl 1 Torco aifBtnat AnJreaa Wlen In llio Third f H Ulktrlrt court. Ibefartlea were married I H In llorllu, Uerniany In 1q77 and tame I 1 to tbla country aovoral jenra later. I l l'lalntlirallefrea that alnco their luarrhiifo I t the defondant baa coutlnually treated her 1 1 In a cruel and Inhuman manner, and I B upon tbla ground praya lur n ilccreo oud 1 H thocuitodyof aiulunrrhlld. |