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Show " BERLfflJITS. ' Caprivl Woriied, but the Emperor Em-peror Stands by Him. l'KISl'E IMSMAItlK lONOUCI). The Panama Affair WatCuid with Interest la Berlin. ' IIH'IINM AMI CHOI I IIA III 1M)UT. A lllll Tar llie Itralllnllei, of 1 lillcra- ttou.-lhe Jtunrr Jlarkat lutaar 111 BUM, Dec. 17. If Chancellor L'ai rlvl reJucis the amount of money In thu army bill to (IO,OOD,O0l)and nihilities tho government's diluauds fur an Increase In thu present laco eltrctlie, ll.o bill will havo no chance o.' ap nival, lu thu ploiunt shajw It will itaud noihancu whslevsr of bu-coming bu-coming a law. Homo ollklal piera nlrult that certain ihani-es are laiiu-till laiiu-till to theeuccees of tho luuoure, hut they ixpnss lonfldenue that concis-sluus concis-sluus will bu ottirod. Thiiywlllbo nitllLlentlo win over a ma)orliy ot the Hi lihsla conimlttee to thu lupport of thu bill In a form that will uut in trrlilly chant.ults'moiHr. The Implied thnal ut tho chaniellor In his speech when tho 1,111 was put to tho lit luista; to dissolve thehouaonuJ have a now election, had no tiled liu the Conservatives. Con-servatives. The iohbty njKirt liss It that the chsuctllor lo feeling worrluJut seeing that It Is Improhablethat he will obtain ob-tain the UK-elit of tho Ilolelislag to his full demands nnd has lul-1 the im-peror im-peror that he would gladly resign. His inalvity, however, Is not dlaposid lu give tho chancillor any in-rourageincut in-rourageincut In retreating iiudir fire. He expressed a determination lo make, the army bill a law even at the risk ot nil apical In thu eouutri and ho assured as-sured Carrlvl thatliu would stand by hlin uudcr all clrcumstunies. The notatlo feature lu the debates has Ineu thu omls'lon of all allusions to 1'iluce llliuurck, or uny reference to nlsoili.iou. Developments In tho ranama nan-dal nan-dal are watched with thekiomst In-tinst. In-tinst. One lauiforl to Uermany la that tho Dpeotacle of corruption and lonfuilon among Trench lolltlial leailirs leremnuy ltusilan dislretu make Kramu au ally. Advices received re-ceived hero from Ht. l'oloixnurs show that Information rmcutly reamed the cztrlhata certain ltuulsu perru-celved perru-celved from l'arls $luO,onu roradvo-latlng roradvo-latlng a Ituiso-I'runch alllanco and that part of tho hrlbis distributed hy the l'auama cuual company lmvu keen noptrd hy promluiut arsons lu It.iaala. Thu ltussiau court party aro IiostiU to a Kreuch alllaucu aud they liavu seized the opportunity to work ou tho ctar's prudlcta against thu p ranch rt public. The Uorman fur-ulgii fur-ulgii ofllie la hopeful that Ueneral WerJer, ths new Uerman ambavsador to llula, will succud In detaching tho czar from I'ranu, nnd so lead to a new grouping ul thn imwcrs. Another, and toUermauy a f ir more Important view of tho situation, Is that ihaca In Tranco may ruducuannd etiturer who would hazard war with aciniatiy as tho best stroke to carry himself tutu jwi r. Thu adnilisluu made by Herr l.ae, the Jewish small arms mauufacturethat lie had ollered to supply Frsni'e with machinery necessary for the mauiifacturoof liebtl rllles, has oausul romwed vlrulrnoy In uutl.JuwIsh apurs which are making ablttiraltaikupou l,uis.e, hut Ignore tho oi in fact that Krupp'e works continually con-tinually supply Ilusala with gum and ammunttlou. Hamburg and llerllu bourses were dlsturivd yisterday hy a rejiort of twenty cases of iholera, and that four deaths from thu disease had uncurrsd at Hamburg. Tods) olllilal dunlali of the story were lssuid. Kolh.i.i: beyond n rumor lias been hiantuf thu alhgod communliallons uxchaugod by l.uropoaii governments lu ngard to Amorliau reettlctlom upon up-on thn Immigration ot Uennans. A bill Lefore tho llelchstag aiming nt a iigulatloii of emigration Is csiieclally dealgnod to arrest tho outflow of the laboring and oroet population which goes chlclly to the United rltates. l.argo laud owuirs of Austria ha e held a meetlng,at which, with a view of preventing migration, migra-tion, II was declued to recommend such rofunn lu tho law aa would enable penasnU to cultlvatu coumou lands. riie Austrian governmont la taking gold from London slowly but iteadll, and has coucluded a gold loan of liO.OW.OOO from t"io llothaihlld syuditate. The money market hore and In Vicuna la lu thu meantime uneasy. un-easy. J.H.Lee, an Amoticau astronomer who has been studjlng for lour yian with l'rofeaaur I'orrraier, has been a lolntnlto the ilnir ol astronomy at Chliago university, TIIH CUNirilKAOL AIUOUIINS, After Du Itsuilea' motion wss proposed pro-posed nt the Monetary conrtrimo yes-tnrday yes-tnrday Henator Allison madu a iieicli In bthttlf of the UnlteJ Htatee dilegn-Hon. dilegn-Hon. He laid emphasis upon thu fa;t thai throughcut tho debato uubudy uggisled that either money metals ho discarded, and wu think It wlw tn resume re-sume deliberations ufler the recess. Any agreement at whl-h the toiifer-tncu toiifer-tncu might arrive would probal ly re-uulru re-uulru largu ooniesslous on our part. Therefore, thu natloual Democratic administration ad-ministration which Is nbaut tu como Into olllco In theUnltidHtatea and upou which the responsibility for such actlpu would tall should have an oppor-tunlty oppor-tunlty to direct thcicuneof thn United Htatia deli gates, llortram Currlu, of the llrltlili delegallou, objected to the reassembling ot the conference, ou the grouud thatas tlirio previous monetary conferences had failed, theru was little prosput ol thu prisout one being aiuo- 'cesi. Ulr C. ltlvitiil n ol he llrltU'i ilsIllon, coi.iulr.lln the otlnloii Heoater Allnou till li wa undirilnod Ihtt tlne.overiihiiuli if all nitlonaiwncMliid.luclii. iigll.el otlnl Btotoi.sliould reserve to tlunnilveanti- solute tudi peliocnce In rejar 1 1 j their 1 r.aixctlvu ino'ietnry Jflllclw lurlnit thernissoftuecuu crinci. Ut llm. ties' roisal was then adopted, an I thu conference aJJouni'd. |