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Show I i Sllrptrr Criminal at llenmr.-A I in ablr.omo ' Hralrr," Lie, I An artificial tt'iuu mnu(ctory will V,,tlnllI"An'1" rrnt tlnldnu liaa rulJ I'limt I , unlr! A T . If0.il tU ta.yiu.Dl ul $yr-riitoUM. Th Undir county ( Nnr ) ounnilf .snarl bavo reduced Hi" t rata from ThJoinVliernliliwMii Vlaa u.and I Tulam, C'aWorrila, iiro liocora Jog rrmunr.(lTto th.lr orn.t. -Knit iWlwrwrii art) I Ic-Mutf ip UiJgM-TergliilWUy. M.trlooP'. c uiity, A T will apriid tt?;T7MnoihMMtf,niif.riui , giid lurnUblng uw nbwl build log , Th Aliens Auatralluii diction law ft IJ, to mad. Willi n or -noil ui ,' ihToir inychoo H tA Uatklna iicetilly Utile I i rsllloinla II ii l tlmnRB eoiiul) tlmt El vrlili"! 11 lo'iiiJ and stood tlilrt) H Inihet IiIrIi Mr CIrt-r In out from lilt Twoilv Ml,c,rtkclttlnninl l liltflilj i-Ulwl nr lh irotitniii in dim Hum T-rnly Mllo will) inn uixUtlu - Jixlia Cbun J tret I rcu TheUfi Ui of wU r at HsntaMoiilea'.- (Cull bit, wharf wlirn iimplael will 1 thirty tbtiw lott at tlm juncturuor I tlm ai rtMcU an I tnalu atruutiin uul l rly ilVu tut lit lli u U, butli at low Wank Yuuiur whllo allllnj on tlm J cites of ft 1' illaiiil ferry (III lost Ills F ulnnroiid fi-M Into Uhi wUr Aaliu 1 could notawlru, unaldtMUoUIIllculty KM mi cxivtlcncoj In --irlo-tliirf '" KH from hli ilatiRtfaiu pro Iksmant. Blrice January la' nf llm I rwent year H tbirabnrti besti IW sin tout of li)l- IH trade inlnoral ttil r I from rul'tirldu H .IMlon.Col , trtu moit ul llmnili R from W lis Hmumlcr Union mid tiliaridiiii H and Mouduta iuIuii In Marshall batlii I Dr A.W. Allen of I)llllni,s,Moiitant, IE u tnken liomo a frw ilajs aijo tmiu IE the Hull mountains, when, hu hJ ! Injured by bl tlllo lurstlit; whllo ibuutlnir. JlUbi-uJ wiwluJIy out mil H liotsblludeJ It Ufiand tbu Inlurica toblaejiKWlllli icrmaiinit I HantnTerrwa.thuraaklo limlir,la I creat puutco ot trout Ii to tlm Moxlran I cnlci-li at oalerl i n telrcrnai Item l'burlxfAilton), nna newiuu tuit win enough la "lay on American toll lierlniiirUoutncnt would follow at uuce To tier In attributed tbo cauto (or lbs recent aijul and Mayo robol llou, and abo waa alro the patron taint of Ilia TsnioenlaDi, who welo recently destroyed by the aoldlrra Their He-Ulllou He-Ulllou wat ou account of her uxlk, andtbe KOToruuent recti notblmc but troublu Willi tbo Indiana whllu aho ;irea. Raya the Bllrer C'lty(Idabo) Ala iarcie. owa from Boulh tlouulalu la very encouraging Tho Union continues con-tinues to allow rlc.li oru In tho lowor I tunnel Thqore la bclni ablwl in fait aa taken out Hereral new bodlea i ef rich oro liftTe been found Inaljoln I lag rulura during the att few wreka, i the remit of the annual aiMUnnt work a piled In celling depth loilead o(KObTloi?on Ibo aurfaco at btreto for. The camp will no doubt lie one pt lbs brat In Idaho If men of meant will take hold aud open up tbs raliioa and ut in luuclilmry for nan lllnu the lower grade urea, but until lllli la dons tbeoirap will not Improve uiuih. An old friend of tho alitor In Umatilla count), Oirgon Hoi Vu kllf, Wat In town Inat week 1I haa located a lino ranch ou tbo middle fork of Clearwater auuut n mile from the r Nervation line, and alt hat roma good I lacer krouud In tbu tame vicinity. JIo aaya there It mui h gooJ land In that vlclully nlriady urvr) id and atlll more uiifurveyed, nil await Ingaelllemcnt UwiuRto thuabeuu of wagon roalt It la a hard country to Kt In and out of at 1 roaint,but It haa all thu ndTantaia of good aoll, xlnu climate, with abundanco of wood, water and horao fud. and It la only a quratlonof time until that region will ecllntotbnfainoiit Camaairarle Itatlr Idaho I ret lYcit William Ulbtou la again at 111 erly and ho hat now gained tbs rijulallou of being tho flit I crUet criminal wllh which IhecourtahaTshnd to deal He Wat convicted over a year ago of having hav-ing bteliu a windmill luforu the J nlge had an opportunity to aentince Mui I e wnlkid out of the court mora J or more Ibau nliiu munlba he avoided culture, iiotwlthtl in ling moat eaineat (Hurts of tho aherltl cilice, lo llml him In Auguat lait he waa arrialed ly Ueteitlvo Currier and turuednver tutho nurdes of tho oourt Hlaattornt rtcured u contiuuaiioe of a motion fjl new trial until "ovemUr, itu I Ulb-aonnat Ulb-aonnat releaaid uuleriluiibgudf, hit wlfo giving a i heck for JWI m part firuly. ratirday when the raau waa tallidl) Judue Allou, ClllnonillJ not Ipiaranl thubont waa declared for. lelteil Denver et a |