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Show jTAMMAHY HALL. Another Mass Meeting to Ratify Cleveland, AN llllll.NSK IMIKIMI (UTI!i:it Struts Ablaza wilb Gas, Eltcttlcily aad FlHWoris. tin MiiiiMii sun i riir.niui.i t teller Irjui Vender l.nriiiie.-lcu. Hue. I ii.ll. mill (nrll.la llio S'rliHlplt NpenLere. Nni Vuiii;, Nov. 3 riioaunounce' nient ttiat Tammany Hall won't holt another ma'-s meitlng Inoljlitto ratify tho nomination nf Cleveland nnd Hie-veuson, Hie-veuson, attracted an liniueiiso throng ol people to the lclnlty of tho wigwam. wig-wam. The tamo scenes witnessed nt Tiimnunj's rally lattweek were re- eated thla uvonlog. lleforu 7 o'clock oilubegnu to gather, anj' before tbo speaking U-jan tho Mock from TnlrJ tu Kourth uveuuea aul from I'oiir-lecnth I'oiir-lecnth to l'lfteeiith struct", wae tloc'ie I wlthooplu. The streeta weru ablate with gas, electricity nnl fireworks. I'ractlcilly, tbero wero ten meetings going on nt ouee. Heiiator 1 u-tla and Carllalo were the prlueljal s inkers nt Iho main meeting. Joseth J. O'Doneliuc, as chairman, opened thu meeting with a brief epeech. A letter from Hcnator (Jormin to Ulcunrd Croker was lead. Tho ten utor expresses regret at his Inablllt to bo present ut thu meeting, but aa)a hu eau not ermlt tbu ncemlou tu aas without so) Ink "that the oomploteiiesa of uur union and tho manly and eloquent uttinncta ot Hoaa'.or Hill havo madu It ah rolutely certain that thu eh ctoral voto of New Vorlt will Lo east for tho nominees nom-inees of thu Democr-itlc purt. U.ber atates, heretofore considered doubt, ful, hao takeii courage from your eltbrta, and will allow upon tho day of election that they havu learned Irom you how to iu bin vu victory, Thu people of this country who llvu by tbo labor of their hauls an J brains and whoso only ower consists of a freu ballot, will not bu overpowered over-powered ly tho methods practiced at tbo Jiolla by the bcuellclarlea ol any yatom ot legislation Tuey will overthrow over-throw the party which ere itod that system. They will In a epltlt of perfect per-fect fnlrnm modify the syateiu Itself until tho gritUitt (;oiid. of tho greatest number la secured, unJ will drive bnbera and their cundldatos from the Held of lollllca." In conclusion Gorman (ays "Thu people aro turning to (Jrovcr Cleveland lutuch iiutubera that all thu wealth controlled!! tho members of thu lie. publican arty, cannot, I bullove, alter the result, If you and I and all the earneet Democrats glvu ourele up from now to tho closo of the day ul election to support tbu candidates of the great Demucratlu arty." Heiiator llmtli waa iben Introduced and apoko for eoniu time. Iho evidence waa uumletakable, slid he, that the Democratic masses were determined t) win thla fight. ltegardlugtlio.MaUln. Ii y bill, tbu epuakor callej It a "miscarriage "mis-carriage device tu aid the Itupubllciu jiarly to peretustu Itself lu wer by I ro idlng Itself v. llli a gigantic corruption corrup-tion fund to bo drawu frum the protected pro-tected manufacUrets, Uhuiunnwho denounced It ino.t scathingly wlieu It waa prejiarud waa James U. illalne. Then reciprocity wai put on. The party's policy Locarno reciprocity lu thu Weetand protection ill the Kent." Hpcaklng ol the force bill, Hoiutor Kuatlitald It waa Impucslble todescrllw the alarm and excltcmout It had created cre-ated In the Houth. Its paiuie would euslad thu Amerlcun eoplo and dig the grao of American liberty, Tho next speaker waa Senator Carllalo Car-llalo of Kentucky. Ho was received with enthusiastic applause nuj said that Iho only question now confronting confront-ing thu people was whether tho presidency presi-dency waa to bo purchased; wbcthor thu peoplo wero to bu bribed with their uwn money. I he question of taxation, he snld, was thu moat important that oould bu submitted to thu inoplc. I hu stinker had no prejudice agaloat theso ungagod In irotected Industrie-'. They weru men who contributed largely to thu growth of tbu country. He wanted want-ed to seo them succuod on their own merltaand not at thuexicmuof other rnrinbeta of tlio lonnminlty. Hu thought that Maior MoKlnley should not monkey with etnllellos but thou! I continue lighting wild cat banks. After tbo dlacusrlon from n Democrat-la Democrat-la point of view of tho lorco bill, Cur-lisle Cur-lisle closed with an eulogy on thu DemoL ratio candidal! s. A. W. llnuini cf Ucorglu followed 111 a d a nurse-liiu tuittd with storioi. CongieMintii John D. Warner, and Htarr, Hoyt, Nichols nnd Walling nlsoapoke. |