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Show MUSIC AND DRAMA. Froftssor E.an Stephens' Grand Concert. "HIE EMjIOV' A HE S1.VIL DUAMA. irenJerlartTi Iicitlml Programme Tlie fiatlonal J ajrraiit. Jilts (olllin. A ocakd forui.AH coNornT will bBBlwnln Urn Talk mucin on Saturday, October 8tb, by 1'rofceatir J.Tii Btcpliens, astliteil ly fifteen htinlrcJ volcwi Inolii ling one (bous-and (bous-and rblldieii. Tlili will to BDothrr ,nJojatIo ft ait of music, such as I'm-lessor I'm-lessor BUI iitui If lu tbu habit of oiler-nj oiler-nj to tb filbllo. Tho adult Uiolr(earl) COO volcn) irllt ! n rtuRrn,nrn0 r (Arorlto tleccs 'roni b optras, 'TIib Uilio-JnloOIl" Uilio-JnloOIl" anil tliu ''DiURliUT ul tlio jtfjlDeut,"wltli eolos by members of tiacrl.luil nil ol Hleibun'e Uita cotifuujl ltlz!s Tin hum JliIw arils ( tlitie),Aiti Olicn Tli 9 nits ( Marie) It C. 1 Mtou ( Hindi ut), J . 1) Br in er (Iba (Jlly Uliltf). Hit. Hall I.ako Mandolin and (lultar Club anJ Ihe JuYeulle Choir llauil (31) llttlo koyaln uniform) II1 aid In niukliijr, up a irogrimrao raoro ifranilanl iwiuler than aoy of Hlrpheii'a former coucolU "the rsicit," Aa repeatedly announced, William Hawntlli'd now naval ilay, "Hie I ntlgn," will bo seen at tbu Mieatro for tbo lint time on Monday, Otlober Srd. I be (lay baa n itory of alwort lii(( luteretr, and, If what la aaid about It la true, la a lenJIdly ut on tbu tote. Tin. Iiuru la a youii enaljii atlacbol to Ibo ".an Jacinto." It Hill lw re. lmmttrril mat tbe rajture of tbe Confederate C'otiimltaloneta by Ca.lalu Willie, of tbe United Htalrs ItlKJlo 'Ban Jaclnln."ou tho blub eeas al-mot al-mot In .oltiil tbla cuuutrj In a war wlthUttat llrltalu. In tbu p'ot of "Tbe 1 tillgu," I.leuUnanta Allen and Illylbr, of II. M. H. Warrior, stationed sta-tioned at Havana, who confidently I intruded b) tin Ir aii rlor olllctrs to prevent Captain Wllkea from n.coiu-illililuir n.coiu-illililuir bis urosi. To Hint tbla tamo Ian mutt builevlicd to detain the Unlttid Htatra man ol-irar. I.liu-linant I.liu-linant lllylbe took tbe nean it raithial and attacked tbe ri illation of an American cfllcerM awLctbeart under Ibe ltreselon that tbu American would aault blin and that the re ultniitiiuatrel would cauan tho ile-ttntlonoICataln ile-ttntlonoICataln Wilkes and till ebln by IhoCuUu autborltlea Iuuk ruiiut.li fortheitsuipa of tbe confederate coin-mliiloners. coin-mliiloners. hujoungofcirt.lri.leil fir the tiurpoao 4a an cnbliin of tbe Unlleil HIbIub man-of war, but tlnuuicli Ibo culm c-Utonu if the jouiik tailor the e.ntiiiu faJUd. Driven to m-fc deptrate slrulta tbe Ililtlib elllctr ttaiadown our Unit at tbu Amtrlcan consul ill-, and, avenxliiK an Intuit to hit country) be would not relent for lilnieolf, tbu untlRU kllla tbe loiullcr on ttiuttol. I or tbla rath ait the hern It tiled by o utt martial abd Is ecu-tenctd ecu-tenctd to death. Ho Is to boliunkoil at the yard-arm of his stain, but at thu bit mt merit bn la (ardonul by the l'retldent of Ibe United Htabf. through Ibo luttrcm-lon Ola little child, "ucttr op utBii-)." John T. Kelly and bin company of coiuidlana will commtnee a turce nlfthta' engaKement at tho Iheatre on rbuiwlay. (Jitober (lib. In tbo new comedy "Mcl'eo of . Dublin." It la claimed for tho plecu that It I aa an In-ttrttlng In-ttrttlng and well told atory Inter voven with funny and original com-pllcatloca com-pllcatloca and sltuatUns. In Mr. Kelly'a aupiiortlng company are tbe following! I lorilo Writ, au Knglltb loubiettr, who will alug a nvimtir of the latett London songs Adelaide llandall, I'loru eldren, clly I'age, J in blue Dltt, Margery Mottlmrn, Mlldtcd Morti ly, Harry .Celly, (I. Jay Williams, I rank Holland, J a nut (julnn, Wright Leon and Maurbv lrtTl. Tbu aivncry nud cottumet are fiew and elaborate, one aoene abowlnft tbu alluadeJi ou tbe HuJion rlTer, Ulng paitlculailj itlictlvc. V OSDLltLAND. Notnlthktaudliig tbu unfavorable weather last nlcbt, large crowda vlsltul WouJtrltnJ,enuylng the eiformanotii I In tho various drnaitmcnU. In the Curio Hall, Wallor Htuait, Ibe armleal and legless jilirn-omenoD, jilirn-omenoD, la tho greatent ulnt of at traotloo. Mr. liloyd, tbe gold wire Wcrktr, has a linn dUilny of iretiy IrilDro, nub aa tbe Udliw llliu to aee. In tbo llljou tbeatro, "The Merry Uutlcal Mouaroba" onmhln. barraooy mi cuiiior, i laying on all aorta of In-llrumenu. In-llrumenu. llut tbe mott attraotlvo I art It the Tbeatorlum Hlgnur l.rnl, a one-legged aciotat, (orforma ou tho borl-onui bar. Al. Niwton glvia Jtpndt rlul rxblbltlona na tbe "King of Uula" The lVrgutuu alalira whom 'no abiding hia nrndu tlunl favorites with the I ubllo aru still there nud lail, tut net least, cornea Ueo. Catlln, who makes Ibe au llrucn roar with lau ;hter al Ibo way lu whit li he imr irsunatet u Lbluamuii. Tbtre Is a strong (.ro-gramme (.ro-gramme at Wonderland tills week. Ill NAllO'tAt. I'AOfANT. Itehianalaol tbu Tagoant take placo dally at Cnldei'amutlo rooms and Hi fttik'B tchool Thu r.t)tlon of Washington, I .a FayUlc, Mr. and 'Us John Adams ant the dancing of tie minuet bUore them will lu inr. Ilcularly good. Tho old llevolutlou-'y llevolutlou-'y coatumta, thu ijentlemen In lli.lr norgeoua roala, tllk stock-ln, stock-ln, low tlioia with luammotli 'liver buckler. Ihe lalUt In quaint gowns ate alwaya altinttlvn lu tbo American I cole of today. Tturo will l' elgbi ioujIh nud the darning an.) cimeeylug will bo grateful and dlnl lied. Thecattof charactcra Is as followit Attceptlon to ahlngtonnnd litfa. te (iaorgs Wathlnglon, Mr. ('has tohi! Mailha Wublugtuu, Mlaa Marlkii "ookledjc; John Adams, Mr. Van chlin, Abigail Adamt, Mbs Mar I? "'.f'i Marquis do l.a laietti, Uancera if. l,0 Mlnuet-MlwM Utttle H rague, Om IU I new, Marie AW. Allaco Jloour, Mary Jano JVoodwerd, Alton Vounir, I.inlly ft"',,, Uraco Wullaci; Mtn. J. . lyjaell, Grant lUinrtqn, I). J. " "Bmllb, Kenneth ICerr, II. J "'odlnnlng. l'ation, Mj. Woodard. A IIII-AIIUCI. rLl, Mr. John liruwQ,. ic t Auguatln Dalyaul bat lauutbed forth bla uwn tbli on theatrical tea. Uecommeorcd hla carter In Milwaukee In a comedy ialled"Tho Ma.ked IVall," a I'reuch plwe adaptitl to tbu Auerlcau ataite by Mr Cljdontoh Mr Drew maue hlaflrtt apicarance ou the ttuge In 1671m a play eutlllrd Cwil aa a Cuoumber " Hie d.iutn in New Verb aa made In 176 In "Tbe l!lg Uonanta," and hla first Kliakitpcareau experience waa with 1 loo Hi lu lt7U, when ha played Itoaencranla In "IIamet." Mr. Drew hat already won a nnino (or himself ai. an actor, and hid future career will be watched wllb much Intercut. TA-ItA-nA I1J0SI Lf-A Tho New Yolk public filled tho Standard Theatre to tbe roof lut Mondoj night, nud ruUvnufnt even Ings, to too thu renowned Lottie Col. Una dame an I liar her nonsensical tinging. The gifted little w man, who like set the English people allaraowlth her petlormaiiccB, is diaiuied as u youuMlady with auexlieinelypltataut imu and line lulelllgeiit )u. 8he las rather brua I tbouloeia and exceedingly narrow wtl.t, and her line, round whuh limit un klundancu of goldou hutr, la alwa t (Ulluied with color Much of the efleU which she makes," stye the II urld critic, "la t roui,ht about ly her extraordinary gentium. Her arme whirl about In thu mint tn-t-riirlo fatblon Iniagmabu, and they a Id not n little to the odii tllect of her dance. It It not a dance, ly tbu way, lulu tetita of anlngr, contortion., dl.t, whlrla and wilgglea. I hero aru a great many tbuuaaid concert ball tlngera in the world and ulu la very much lllu the other, they vary out) In dtgreua of ixcr fence. Mite Collins la not to lie claatul with them. Hlin la unlqui. Her manner of Intoning the vcn.es of lieraoiigand hrr antbn during dur-ing tbu da- ce ere altogether titraordl nary autl ditalaillur to these ol Buy other f, Hian who his evtr at liartd In NtC.fioik.tt "Qi,iJ Hrgo cily," taya another rr"iC4iiotrinblted by human beings of Dr(tlu imfiummon aente and Iniulll flucrliu l,ld lM.throwti Into ai Vxytlio fl inthutlatm over this ei-orn ei-orn I teems to mo cue of tbe nro, t). ml t'"1 present Bfc." r' "., Wrfcf has tho followlm. TrWUtrl,tl,l,,,l,lyJuttiaragraLht i3llj llgtulj lu mo belief '"tin t I "" ""' "'"' wtman on i oi i Jcotlld loud tbu ro;r I Irlt to 'Ti ra ra boom de a) ," we walled for tlm great IhjIIIi. Hlic catm, and, afterairojertlmekt (luaraullne, the taw. Hut, aire, (he did not oouquer." "Certainly, New Yorkers need a I rehciid no danter of u run!Uj,ratiun un either tho l..ikt or Iludmn rivers, Horn any thing that Mlta Collins la do lug at intent. Hir ntidlencra have been numerour, for curlonty t wit tut till much hi raided jour.g wctiiun baa been at fever height It would have teen n good thing for Lottie bad Dr. Juukln. returned ber to dear old London. Then wu might nevir have kn wu how very ordinary alio reallj It." HtltllUANN'a JOKt. Thu grrnt magician Herrmann enn celvn I tbe Idea of 1 uttlng lutu hla ad-lerttsoment ad-lerttsoment thu other day a greeting tv Ibe Jlwb who we.ru celct ruling their iuw ycar'a day, rlnli.l In ilolrew rharactna. Th.e to many, tuauge louklugtlgnt, kivuenmetcp'oau lu rt aalou that tbu mngtclan advettlted a in w myatettoua trick, a elrcumttntce which niitid no tmall nnuoyancu at tho t ox etlke that nlrht. During tbo evening a number of Individuate camu down wbeu tho per forrnanco waaahout half over ti en quire If Herrmann was foltig to do that new trick tonight, as tney did nut ti e It on the rogramme. To Manager llloom'a inquiry as to what trick they meant, the reply wan, "Ob, that Chili) Chi-li) ui (rich he advertised In this mom-ing'apupera" mom-ing'apupera" When told that It una not an a Ivertlaetuent of n new lint In magic, several of the. demanded tbe return of their money, tlalmlng tl ey had been Induced to coine to the tbt a-Ire a-Ire Willi till. Ideit of riling thu gleat Chlneau trick which Herrnitnii Is (aid o havo had In tiparalluti far tome time. |