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Show SANITARY" TALK. W Recommendations from the H - City's Board or Health. jl TO t'llOTKCT 1'UOD AND DI1INK. .v i H An Ordinance Regulating thn Usa end I CoDEtractlon ot Welh. i M IV I-IMUIUIV Al'I'OIVTril txul Thetrnrleloes llio -l.irann Innnlj rtlaxlaxi Tho City Council held nn adjourned lH easlon last nljht. Order was called by IU lVsldint I.wlbourow nt 8 05 o'clock. ifl The metnbtrv lesolit were: Rich, Bll I'ollaud, Hard , Karrlck, Horn, Iiaw- , Pl eon, Blmondl, lleardsle, Helsn, Mo- '. EH ran, Wuntlnnd II. SrH Absent Rail, Ilvaua 2. ' (mH In the nltHno of Recorder Blanlon, ' ;H Deputy Ellsworth rwrfouned Ihedutles , (4rH ofobleftJark. ic;H Thaniluutniof Tuesday nhrht't lie. , 'h-jll tlou weru read, ameudod nud op. , ; imII The I'roerrtllngs Mbbk Thn chair ttalcil that theru wore two .till mottcra to l.o considered hy;lm Conn- i('ltx9 ell. ririt, the piojwnvdiuiulfciry loom. JfliH urea; uiond, the illllercuces lietwein , ivll the strict car and Rocky Mountain 111 Hell Telephone rsimpaiilus. '' M BA.M1A1IY SlKASUIira. The following wni than read by the IM at.litint recordeit rJfl We, the uu lerslgtie-l metnberi ot Ihe ii tmanlof heulili, rrpoetftilly reeouimeml irf9H the passage oftho follonlng measure The If flKH ordinances relallng respeitlrely to lho I'ltsxtaxfl regulation ol well construction, privy . wllH eault an 1 esv-NiKiol Minntriiellon, the tale y KIH ol tinnholeioliio lood anil drlliki alto lho ' tillH appoln insutof a snnlisry lnsecior for 1 laxsaxl each preelnet, whoso duty It uhalt nolo at tjsS onee make a house lo bouto Insfiu-tlou ' ktVH regar ling the plan already presented an 1 FlBexl tliereallcr to tie employed pormtneully I IflH at lnsH?etorn for the preelnct. Wnappetr i ..H Wforojnuthlsovemiig irtiarint toglvo , I reason It eallo-1 upon reconimondlngtho j UH ado Hon of tbu abet e meuaiirce and tru.l 1 rijH they w 111 loect with your approval. I MH 1 A Mkaciiau, Hl AIIU1TIOVAI, BUl.NAlUlttl. if'fllljlB Dr. Really silted that Hnglneor C. W rnB IMIrookt, n member of the bosrd of ' j 'JBM health, and Mayor Raskin Intended lo ft ijH thin thu above lutper liefora Itt preten- ilPHal ration to lho Council, but that they ! I Iftl could not to found In tlmo to do so. f tflB HestVed tbtt they wouldattacU their !; '''Ji slgnutuien tolttodsy. vt ,nl VAUJTS AMI CrjSlTHlIJ!. J i! I An ordinance reiiilaltng the con- Til ttliictloit of rlvy vaults and cesspools I A within thugirhage districts wot taken . jf up, amendwl anddlicussed at length. ;j ! The measure wo ubllshcd In the fw ij Dtaiuirr Niwa un Thursday of this ' wiek. , t Dlt. llEATTt Bl LAkr. f ' Heallli Commissioner Realty tnld ' that alttr reading nrdlnances j repart-d i I and lit vnzuettiothtrcltlea hu tec-tme t c' ifl more and luoro convinced that tpeolsl h in condlllnnicxlfted here and thereforu jr ill required sjclal actltn, Ihe ordln- It 1 aLeo an pretented, lie believed, met I every iornlh!e emergency. Hu wat ( li struugly In favor of Its Immcdlata pa.- i ,' sage. ; fa Hardy stated that the mcaetire con- j' f lllctcd with thu sewer ortlli once; ouo ! K cf the lw "ust I e amended, Jlill 1 hu chair raw mucli In It that woi 'iMN faulty. If It was putsoi It would work f j ;j n hardship to rttldrntiln nil rurtt of ' ,lr tha city. It rciuiic 1 the afnndon- ' i mentof all unllued nespaols. Hu did , , i not think that cessioolt were Injurious ii I.B tohcaliliirovldlog they weru not loo 'jj cloeu to turfaco wt lis. )' YOT Daw ton took issuo with thu chair ji SlB and aald he 1 new whero cestfioolt iVfll wirenotllnud with cetniut they were 1 f IWJI detrimental tn health and would iKsvlfl greatly Increase the mortality of the I If ill On motion tho ordinance was refer- L jl red back to the board of health for re- ij ffl virion. ( M I TU 1 KOTECT FOOD AND DIIINIC. -f, I I The following nan read the tlrst, i second and third times without amcud- ', m mini: M A Illll for an ordinance prohibiting tha i t W keoplng or tale or uiitvliolesouitf R sS Inod und drink and rtvilitiug llio itVlf itu of milk an 1 other food i roducts. ( jlTwj I Snc-rios I lie II ordalno-1 by the City 1 H Council nf Halt Iko Cltyi Tnat no T It B meal, llsh, birds, fowl or Mgotablen, not j jt tiling Ihou hi ahhy frenh, toiuid, wholo- It ' Bfl somo and safo for human food, nor any , ! jh WM meat or flnli thnt tiled from dlnoaio or )k mU accident shall be brought within sal 1 t i 9M cllv, nr otrered or held for sslo In any ' u IM publla or prlvato ruarkot as soch lood h If: H unvwher-ilnsaldclti. i. ta M Hoc 2. That nnestlf, pig or lamb, orlhu r: 1h Bl meat thereof uliall bo broutlitt heM 'tlfnfl or nffHrnil for anle as -such rood 1 WaM lu Knit Lake City, which at tha ilste ). i of lu death being n calf Ism thau lour if , weeks old, or Imlog a pig, wsa whon I !i, killed less than Cve weeks old, or loin- 1 iji n lamb was whon killed lisa than eight 1 P weeks old . I ) ' bee. 1. 'Ihntuooie'lloshtllboklllcd for I, H human food while In au overheated. 1 r ' S I foterish or dlsea.od oondltlon, and all '-;'f! sunhdlsiwielcalllo In Ihe City of butt ft 111 Like anl tho ptaco where found and I Me, fBI their clluniMu shall boat onto reporlM lo illfi. tliocnininlsslinorofhealth by lho owner n p. or enntodlan thereor, that tho propor , It! ' order ntav bo niuderolntlTo thereto. i 'it t H hec 4 Thai nu person balug Ilia innna. j ,j 'i gir or koewrol any saloon, boarding li . Wp hotito or loilglug house, or bciug em- ! 'J ptoycnl an n clerk, sere ant or igeulUiero- . ,,r i in, sbutl tliernlit or thereat oiler or havo 'J LB for food or drlnk,or to be eutou or drunk, U uny deleterious or unwholusouio tub- M nUiiiii,tinratlowatiM)ilng thereinto bo ! jB d un pnjudlilnl to hsallh. , boc. 3. That no fasod, blown, plaited, M |