Show School Head Dead Will l Speak In Memory of Sailors Howard Driggs principal p al of the Lincoln high school will wui be the speaker at at services at 1030 a.- a. m. a.-m. m m. m Friday on the bridge spanning th the e et lake a at t Liberty park in 11 memory of ot soldiers buried burled at sea The exer ex ex- er will be under the direction tion of ot T T. TH H. H Gordon cir circle Je Memorial day services will bo be I held by the thc Service Star Legion eglon In hi Memory park at 11 a a. a m. m Satur Satu- Satu- Satu day The program will be open to the public Mrs E E. O. O Howard life life- chairman and Mrs R R. S S. S Collett president of the legion will be DC In Jn charge Australia lin will erect erectS a a bronze I grO group P costing In front of ot the tho I parliament t house in Can Canberra erra as a memorial to King Ge George rge |