Show Granite Enjoys Its Hoop Crown Granite high school celebrated its It newly won state basketball c championship championship cham cham- am- am Monday with a two-hour two assembly program followed by a dance In the school gym It Is Granites Granite's third title in the past four years Jordan breaking tho the string last year The teams team's fighting spirit and student body's loyalty were praised in in- inthe the elaborate program which was attended by coaches and basketball basketball bas bas- squads from Murray and Davis which beat Granite in the district race but trailed the Farmers Farm Farm- ers in the tournament last week Telegraphic congratulations were read from Principal A. A M. M r. r Merrill and Coach Dixon Kapple of Ogden which lost to Granite in the title game Gus P. P Backman Beckman executive secretary secretary secre secre- tary of the Salt Lake City chamber of commerce paid tribute to the schools school's athletic background and C. C Oren Wilson secretary of the state high school association for the past 20 years made formal presentation of o-f the championship trophy The high school band girls' girls trio and John furnished I musi musical numbers Roy Hillam was In charge The speakers included Glen Worthington Davis Gilbert Murray Bert Mix president of ot the board of education Principal L. L H. H Hatch Captain Harvey Ryn carson Coach Cecil Baker Marlow Branagan Branagan Branagan Brana- Brana gan Salt Lake Tribune Harold Miller Deseret N News ws and rank Prank K Baker Salt Lake Telegram |