Show CHECK WAITED ON RESERVOIR I I l lt t MURRAY MURRAY Geologists Geologists may b be bec C c called to the site of oC Murra Murrays Murray's new nev gallon galIon W V P A culinary ry water water wa wa- ter reservoir to determine the nature nature na na- ture of the ground beneath th the e structure City Commissioner J. J Clifford d Hansen in charge of ot the unit said Tuesday that uncertainty of oC the underground conditions made construction construction con con- construction of ot the reservoir according to the original plans plan somewhat t haz baa Water level was discovered discovered ered to be approximately 18 Inches below the depth of oC the excavation He believes a solid rock or some other formation might be discovered at that depth If It such uch a formation were level It would be a great help in strengthening strengthening strength strength- ening the reservoir he said But if It the rock were tipped to an angle the strength of ot the reservoir might be taxed Commissioner Hansen estimated that pressure on oct the bottom of ot the ther r reservoir will be approximately pounds p per square foot Cool W v P A wor workmen en employed through ugh the winter have removed cubic yards of oC dirt from the excavation The Tue project is Li being done without machinery for tor the dual purpose of providing the city with a much needed e tank and giving employment to M as many men men menas as possible Pouring of ot concrete Is expected to start Ita within a week the commis ald The huge reservoir is ls located directly east of of- Murray next to one of ot the existing tanks It will be a circular structure completely coni- coni corn com with a concrete roof root |