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Show AH ELECTION EPISODE. Tbe Alleged Attempt to Vote Ille0aIIj la the FlUb Precinct. AH'UCATIOXPO DISMISS TXIC (IMUOl ttut CommlMl'Hicr orrtll Ueellnfi to Dlipoie or the Matter la that Way. Howard A. Klag stands charged with attempting to vote Illegally In the Fifth precinct at the hit city elrc tlon, and the Investigation of thrcaie Iiib been postponed from time to time owing to various reaioas. This morn lug It was again to have come before CommUsIoner Norrell, for hearing, but has once more been continued, Tbe cause of this Is shown below. At 10 o'clock Prosecuting Attorney Klchnor, also the defendant's attor neys, Messrs. Glenn and Anderson, were ready to proceed with the exam (nation, and all the wllnoesea were present. Afteraomegeneral talk, bow-eter, bow-eter, among the partlof, Attorney J, A Williams, who la the complaining witness, wit-ness, Applied to the Commissioner tu havo tho charge dUmt'ped. Commissioner Xorrell seemed to bo taken bysurprUe at this unexj-ected arpllcatloe, and still mure so when Attorney At-torney Klchnor said that hfhlmielf had noeljcctlon to the caw being d Is-mlased, Is-mlased, providing Iho witnesses for the prosecution thought there was no chance of the offense being proven, He then a pealed to Attorney Mo-Knauy, Mo-Knauy, one of the prlnclj al wltueases, and who was acting as a sort of ticket distributor at the ll In quefllou, to aicrtaln his views on the point. Mr. McKuany It was I who ordered or-dered this man's arrest, and t did It In order to proveut any further attempts to vote Illegally ou election dayj lut I do not see that we have anylhlug to gnln now by prosecuting this case. In fact, I would ralher notbe-ln It." I think all the wltuttMce who were there would say they feel that way, Mr. Llchnor Taking all the facts Into consideration, do you think wo could secure a conviction? Mr. MoHunj I think the only defense de-fense to the cane would be drunken ncwi, though I am not myself able to say whether King wu so drunk as not to know what he was doing I know a great many claim that he waa drunk, but I rANtiol aay to that. A Mr. HhepherU waa next aaked by Attorney Kichnor "What Is your Ylew?" To this Mr, Bhepherd laconically re-s re-s pond od I would like to ate leniency shown. Tho Commissioner here cut the Interrogatories In-terrogatories short by remarking Well, gentlemen, I think this Is a caw that ought to be Investigated; therefore Wttwlll proceed. Hut Attorney Ulenri was not exactly ol the same mind. "We waul a jury,1 said lie. Attorney Auderson (hie colleague col-league for the defame) smiled and UOdded asaent. "Then," put Is the Commissioner, "this case will have to go over again. We cannot get a Jury rltrht away,' A lue ensued. Next Attorney Gleun walked over to his client, whle pered something In his ear, and then turning to the Commissioner aald, "Ves, n Jury please.1' "Very well,"auwered Commissioner Commission-er Xorrell, with concealed dlsjleaautr, "then when shall weset the case down fort" Kventually 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon aft-ernoon waa the time which appeared to suit all ltllea bval.atid the Commissioner Com-missioner reinvested all wltnwHS tote In attendance at that hour. His Honor observed with a significant look; "I think this Is about the fourth time this case has gone over now." And so It ended for tho resent. |