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Show 3 UTAH I.KMM.ATUBK. wrutwiMv Am.H0O.. IMeriMoveJ to ""'' "t,lon ibaVvuiM' rlr bill by making tl. ' MoMWlonmO". ll.unJr,io"J'ttraeul1 ",,klD M.ltlllo m'(J n ameuilment l" ... .ffl.i.Ji.nt y mM W LTm l I"""1 1 ll "" m'ntl- ut,. Tohlnillio .meuiit nain-il In th. LIII waa none loo lar,e. It y 1 latlonwbeth.ror not Ot.li.iouU i-aemlltablr ripreaenteil t Clik.ffi. foe Jipoalllon jl ' ' " i kIl.nwn Inliriiatloii.iail.lr.lii ate! aid " "blbltlon lu w,,,ch, w' ' loul I iir aambar oiportuu- "ll. wanted .prroprlatlon tiif. , i,ntlr lame to euatlo llm returner. ElUlaiilobotliowu to tlio lt ;. ..nlaie. tu tbat II co"111 '"' ,," of Ml. Tittltorjr that UtaU ',Zl without l-.tr In he Wnurn rountry. llio exhibition would above llio pooplo ol (lie world that w. am "0 longtf maikeil o l, ,,11,1 nr. mattid II It witli tho mod of eniwirlae, "ol wiiluM 1L tli.t tii olJliltltt fwiiiiicuiriiint Jm, people bad ln loniovr,!. Wlijr not y that - co willing to. tiro. rrltteJIOMWO for thla puna.ee? It It Li.tliin.Uix of fouMlllbt of . mill, ,jd lri th.n 80 cut. r capita of our p'KMl0liMMtl..lll..lu,.oflh. ,nt are. lorev.r burled, awl lhat we five Joined with Iho nation. If tr. lmkeanlKfarilly .prorntlou p.ple wltl fill "Mali never amounted to ouch anyhow." lot u rlae above ' I4rtlu Ill. W hnvo bun itlltloneil and lutltlotted for the mount mined In Ilia bill. .11 J tlio la ititrii llm Intillhient nierliatiliaaiul (ttutllul ladle, of tlio territory, ate anuvnittho lalltloiiora. Tin 'lMK of tho bill will, III tin Brit two or llifio yeara, lirloK m new Iople. lucrnurj wealth anil propirly inJ will develop th marfeloua n-auurcea n-auurcea which tlio Almighty lu Hit wlidgm has placet! at our door. (Ap- 1 Morrell waailealroua of UoIur rlitlit la the matter, but therowero many eorurratoround lu thltuiwuure. Tho Democrallo rty wea on lu record. The eyt.of tho -ople v, i re uiun them, tod to him the turn naked wat ei-native, ei-native, conilderlDK tho nunilair of pitillornU r llin litidlugal I. MouUiia lad appropriated ouly nun half tlio rumuained In tho bill nlld the oilier Btatea'a nd Territorial adJoluluK lit had tiiroprlatedrten lew. I.uud willing to lv all that the iMA.urynudthoiireUtrf llio Territory could l ale,but wai In doubt whciulho tuoueY ivu to come from. In order U.t the fjucetlon cuild be LX.mlned further he moved that a Ktiioneuieal be taken until HIJay. Jlatklu ald It wan not a iUiittnii of potry or aentluivnl, but oueof coll tuilneM. 1'olltUl ehould lul no flgliro loll, 'the leadlnx quoitlon to hliu Iwai, "How iiiuih .liould Utah appro 1 il.lt?" 8o far he bad not beard of any laur, root, elc, and thouuht It ItiaUKC that llioio llablni; the bill had Ut preaeuled larta and llRUrea. K.vaim eiplained th.l oTerythln; cKefiary had Leon aulmltted lu the (CUmUtee. lluklli.reaunllnKald that the fluan-clil fluan-clil nndltlou ol thoTcrrltory rundc red It lmrudent to lujulje lu any exlrav-2ce. exlrav-2ce. lie aaaerted that wheu the lima camo the mluo owuera, farmera aod alotkmeu of their own nccorJ ruulJ come lorward and kIyh the bit; of their iroducl for exlilbltlou lur-(OM-a. T he avrond tiiieHtlou waa a to what wan need ed what klmlofubulld log waa In eded. Until there wna tonio lcHlcaliollnK niadd Iio did hot bo Hare that action roul t In taken. I Mr. l.vaui related in crtenu tho plica whlrh from lime to tliuu haa teen rubllihtd In tho I nulla pen". He bad no liar of urliiR ablo to ralM the money and wjn In firor of twudlnit the Tirnton, but not for that urpoe. He uould bond thu r.rrllory forCDO.iHI to pay lla Hal llllkn and would take Irom tbo seo.ral fund tho amouutafproprlated for the World'. Fair. The tiouded In-iltbledmu In-iltbledmu of the Territory waa $, WO. It ivuld bo lucreaied to f 1,000,0011, and aa the Torrllory waajouuir and crowloiraudthe value ol prnKijl con-tlautly con-tlautly Incriatlu, there waa lu dan-gtt dan-gtt lu liondluK The motion to potlpoue until Krlday prevailed. The hatmacy bill, II. K. SI, and II. F.77, rilatlnKtothe weli-hluKof coal ttmlli(-a, were Had Hie ewond tlllln. The Home notlllid tho Council that It bad rect did from tta ameiidmenta to tlie ItulldloK and I,oau Aaafjclatloua till, and It waa luwt-d. (,'. K 1,3, tho bill regulatlu the , I'quor trafllo, wat read the third time. Ou molliu of lAind the bill aeed, Lvana, Haynea and Morau voting no. riietllllaaafollowf Hoc! Ion 1. That aectlon .MM of th. Omi) lleil Una of lllah, 1 I, Iki in 1 tlio tmue It hereby ninen led br Hddlnir Itflc to Ibo lollowlnir, to wltl "1'rnvldod, ttat any nppllcallou for aili.li Ucetlae nuy bo rrliiMi- for coixl came, In th. diacro-llon diacro-llon of ibe ITy Council or Couiily court. atij itiat no aiuli Ilccnio ahall ho eranied M .nv o-tAblialitnoiit, exeept a hotel, loiatcd within three liululretl ftet of any itiurcti or public aobool htilldliiK bolnt; uael for tint purio,e, nr within imo bundled fiet of any llnatre, variety ttiiatro, concert hall or any Hho ilait uf ainuteinenl, and, proldtd forluer, tint ooaalooii.tlpplliiK bouo or drain alun Iaball hate or leep In cuiinnnl n w lib, or at a parlor. Much aatooti, tliitln( houto or drain aiiop any i Ino room or pUlo, ilther v. Hi or without door or doora. curtain cur-tain or lurlalu-., or acroonnfany kind, Imoitlitcn am funalo puraon .fi ill h alloaed to enti r rroiu tlio nutalde.nrjrniu auihllipllnj-bouao nr driui all in an I toero bo auirllod Ith any kind of ll pior Nee a. Hut eorllon Slf.l) ol all I IVini-, IVini-, I lied l.a a la hereby amculod bra lillna llieruloiliofollonlni-i "And IboLouuty tmirt or llie ( Ity Council may revoko any lretiM-a itrnute I to tho kieporanf aioona, llpplliiit liouna,ilraui ahopj, nr lor the aelluiR or giving auity of .iivtu toiHallnt: drink nr null II piora, within Hthe city or coiin'y, win never, In tlio J'l'tlimti.l or ll,o (iMinly Court nr City toinit, euth action nuy lio iiiicoaaary to Ibo I eaco and Bond ordi r of any prewnit lu Ilia county or of l lie i ity." Htc1.'llif. mt ahall uke eirootfroni an I after lu approval. TbuLommltteuof conference rejiort. 'd an aiirremeut on tlin aclinnl bill JiniaudiiieuUi, and reiommomlti! that It be a,e,l k .niended. Heveral tmendmiuta ire ailopttnl, aud further (onalueratlon waa poatponed until to day. AU 8) p. m. tho Council adjourned until S p.m. today, liuliii -untiuv Anntsoo-i, After three lioura' reullntr an I immtroua uuimduentt, thu uloUlou bill laned by. voto of 10 .vea to 1 I the Committer ou Korolment re-I re-I olli-d that II V. h.-,, on tatliiK uxli In court, and II, I". 68, rel.tlug tofte.oi matahali .ml ihitlira, had betn lor warded to Hi. Uuveruor AtS.iS iho llou-e adjourned till II a. lu. today. |