Show PEDAGOGUES AT PROVO Ihlrd Day cl the Joint Teachers losllluto There OIL iotIIo 1oI0010 1IIhlI Wll cod Itotiaoos trotloer 1 At the Joint Tetcberi Inntlluto It IUTO on Wednwday tnorulue Dr jlaldwln o mluuul lilii tuhjBot of IuebolOKjr lie I IJIll BlurolluR haul cultivate all tire gift md graven tOot tad mankind lo each other mid mote them IU for earth nuJ heaven Shunt ocellll ui how It how to cul ivate the higher emotion There loft l clots wlio arc detcrlbed eq inaklinta Mr aod loving II How Jarfttilnl how vile I Another CIM loose truth nod inii upon Ito Iliuanimal world had Ufou the irgaulivd vegetable well I truth lithe wholeioraeurganiil it lord 11 liii trot Hie rlljlt of nil II u b land l-and Krmtwt oudtavor of tire ages to lltcovtr trulli Turf li I not nil of llfr III U the portal but ai Weal > roich tile infinite to tier 1IllollmlIl niu hut tuiitiloui i 0 will ml I Uiotl truth tire otrrt 01 wonder or curiosity or ItiYetUiiitlon liaurtnil I thing nod Hit 1111I lu your lrea l inVo I It 10 your P UI that hI ie 111 M IIU 114111 i tile III i i lIa that you trove 110 I power lu I Ill i rW II you atuHtlilmi for truth y m Kililiavn It nnd 7111 trove III your I i werlbo capability rl tire tuj reutetl iuiilllru HID I low < if trutli tin local knowlUKtouoa tlmnpod Into ii root lIee 1 well f ring of rltrinl Joy 1 Yolnilit devulop tIre I lull dud lIv 1YI 01 Illlltl 10 tile wotllnf potil lire MI ro you giro tin thor 7011 nave tic litrur 3111 err rititli liuutelllth I II yr hove liuili ion ore auxluut lo eureht Vo nn Irtruuloui with Joy i in we discover u now Iruili A i i il school Illn try roper I ruollaKu 1101 i tuKjontloni on M midi u 1 > IM Of 1 dllOilVirlel nod a pUprlUM J > Vhaluver MiritiiotKln with reality i toll Wn do not RAlu Inlulllru i mm by it ron 01 reaMiiliif WB 11111 LIIIIIUlo lIla 101IIct Ithulll iu tootIng lire oooultrrtte BIII tie IV l I null Vmir inlttlun ii tint of t < u usir Iolu touch thn little world uu tier yarn are lo toy the truth It MI u tightly niannood woman ii iu Dial iiullitiiK vim I call glee Jet your 101111 to love tire bed unil i iltlr iwuU on Dial which lw1tta II I nifnnt that WB ulinull Irs happy I u lu till wo mut lutVB the fool of IIHM HUM whloli In I Until furhttt 10111 liii art 01 xotiluit your iilli to I i Vol iiilr 10 Hint Ilitru Is I no un vtiiuux took WIOII jruiiriull hecTIc 11 i inniliouM jut hittu tcictin Mil Mil no If yuu IIBVB uot nude him toy oIIly 311 IMo uiftatid yunr two inriuM I 1r f I A Vilwn of IruTo gave H Tiry lucid talk 11 tile uiJwiiol ciVil goTrruruonl uinlnnitluK 1110 prji 11 I law for II In I o5Coti4ill 0 u I u of lion what K < > vtruniini riuilyi > nnJ Ui 1I0enlIy tli Iliu awodUllKU of civil Itxl lirliie > Hupl W J ltnl > lH on ipAn on Ire fauna 01 Ibu Urrat 11In lie jMMrd lrUlly oT r tie 011100 ollIlalo I ODimonlu oIl imliutii ulid laiiKU to Ihu tower or Ir n I iiuhual tin Kir InRtlio lUilniinuliliiB iliariourlttliu of tunic rlaulllcilljn lIre riiu n of hilt Urvd 111111 I < u hltirof nutli irlltcn lr tlio hand ol the trnlnr Dltllhctlun nwuli tIre you III 11111111 lit who niUii Dili u I niudy it out Icings out the ditlliiullTa roltuiriuf Dili launn In Kl iinllii turin Dr raliua r look Ui hire luljtct of i rrfraclir Ulii Hi orJor lo nuiwtr nutttloni that tied ttvu liandcO In 01 lInt suijos I lXnmrit > tools trim old uig robe pwouJ on lIe buck board orally dtmouitratid the prill Hlr Tim uaker 1 itatid tint lie lul ltfll rt < iuv nl lu talk oil Uonitnlc > u ucv llti Iwlluvcd U h woo whirr tin > t-in I w n few ouiuintm loot t 1 1 > loiiluii i nuu brlterinu Iliu dally Illn than to I HI able lo itotutf ou Ira nioit Irotutd in > allan of thu day bat mu > not U tilled I III lie timm ri > olittnif Ad THrdtho tracliiri not tuntlinit ally Xi cr1 lunuu U blur tba > ubllaor tbtir I iillitbattbiiy bad not tried mall uuur 11 Blur Ibry bOric txin menu tIle Uul dill 1101 grasp tic Uulli lnliud to Ire ilumouiiraUd lemon ti I loft oven II Ihu itudenti can lei rot tIre ierlmcut lueobaulcally Ilul trrolnaOr 111011 g000 on n him UOII or how many nrllclfi III lonuuou Uku could Lo t utlllxd tbo luahlni of Jrntlllo uxperliu for tire stud Uatlon of priuuipUii uufora niujvnli Un ViJui i jay ultrrncon Ifolxur llrliuhall loclurrd ou JCulllI > 1rdM noiul 1ncc lIe uld Ilirru la I profot Hotul wino awotlii over tire land IU bIllIe iliivi Uirp uiiJ In ntbuii ilial trw A tuncbir inuit provide lilinrulf wild bonln m to bo ehriiog vnouuli lu wm or h will lo tubmtrKtd Our uiutW U Uuti Hchuoli 101 lUli IVacliuti hilt wo muit rliu IrtI ibo WinO 011 I roflclouty uud Ui worthy 11 our ilao When tbu nuluhiatlu iiiouur IIKn l III woik ouio crlrU 1uIIIIII l LIlt tire Koncral cry 11101 lOLTtitl uuJ the lcltle waiiwuil iihny aim Ira nun WOO clutiR tu It 1111 Our ulollv < of iroiiicware il iu kludn ijelllili crucial oMiulo1 OJ Uiu 011111 flrttthvtc Ito Leth r U I > nf nwnrJ mull a < Inneaio ol r honor tic Ilio otlitr to l leaf O inn nt Our too al wlf I II Ihi t tof all uur wltw 1 Wo colt ijnlcal Itln ail lultfniiuiiu of n a klmli but uur social lute u > H i iniivo Intact bioauiolf bator or > i in all wciaUilty wo go 1 mol or riiu tutu of otllrrr lUlJiollTc an i J live 111111I10 Its 10 kolil tore w ill tbu tlruea 111 our Irulnciull ltrry riciuOon coils lire cbllii Mm limn 0 hId onortuulty tIre liubrti I energy und tie tnl imnuy Our oouutito nmtltui will lad u t tiereiore lo KIVO every 0110 tIre iiwtlreatnieut I into sru two klndi of urciwul i i thin lIOm LlrcunistaiHK Imvo ixi ktrnt and oiiu who intdo gird l uiiiilaniM i Ui uud repore Ore unotbor Knot l mcl kttli I > K irlr cur loco If 1 Jill throat u liuuhur I omul I waul > mwliutuook ulliinvUo tooli hoI lunnbaiiU ho-I i oud lIlt Iltacti III n ultairlct huron II MI twfiro I It IlnorO wro ono otlnt viieil wouU tiny OIl oroullilaator 1 I If nerd U 1 nuuld IUVIKI 111111 trio nf my Imdliii lui Ito Uouuly n i italu or4aul iiluui ole vurin ton ire U all hun trouble hlill m ney 11103 0 Suolnty iou IIlIlit orlurrotoI Con 1 riniuH 1 wiib futttrda mAY bo a urim Viinnil t1 ui n > well 0011 1 grinl i uri Corrnio doore whIr 0 vhW i i I vomrut ii I very marly 01 li 1 d 1 i iu < u inular icliiol I ju a year caca ttacbtr iluuld ll Ido tl clt 11 luainel How wai I taut l Jiir and how am I now liyilca ly I chul I inuiy mid cl INIC11l II icrntl tuuy wnlcll cacli Icucber jell I Ir iumiil roroua root I yrur ll Ibato o lit which lu leute I hlm11 mot lllclthl lu your ooiiiuunliipi you will U nil 10 llnd tonic one who b i a nnrlnlty whlrh will b nertt you audit will be lontabU to tiny him to li lrucl you Ktvpgri w that you will 10 III < lHii < iuuel Iaswller than lu your own looailly slid 300 will ta I UM table lo bo out down I In your vaceO ly lour homo IniM lieoaum lucy rannoi Ihlllk OVO got IIlIu Nuvif iiiruo UloiryiuriUti I without ifOIlhwliOlI i Dr tlr O Mamcr > p > akliii < on IVIn tfu11rcoeahdl TIne aim of every wrll Lin 1 Inlnit In I to nccoi > t > ll li oWe good tu bit ten ttuilo In Illr Milt tbould be inillcuUrly lUll of Mm leaihtr rivnhliiK o > ii tli of Initruotion and minlnit Ililrm tan Is not ronvryliuc knowlodKn oboe lIla l culilTatliiK I and ililnilsliK tIne 1 cnjaclly I ol ui > ulrlni I I ftdUill liihowliiKUtir tithe hw lo adiulm knowlnlKn lust which Un > lila ui imtuUlly li I lh < tlilni toe dna cover for ourieltn lItter II hrsa Wli html lo ut Tfclilni I leudlnir 1 It In thowiuc how lu cop heir fwl hl l nnd initll flow lo luttollKiilo how ti flnlout IbliiKt In nil uur tracliliuc wudlll haw ton liuny IrchnlcallilM and lIIuneol llvrn Ihu tiuall 1011011 of n i ol n I khowleOitn In loit Ilka n hevdln In a hayitack Mtlbodi niiil diniciau utii hell f but not tbu ulijoctmf tOt I > UIITh Tile oilier half of Iho tnrhltcli I IraluliiK lullUliiR lubllt makintt Ihrni aiiluiimllo M Hi no htinir to be H UirJtn IIK I > II hIre will power I ned Ilio uoiiMloutnew Uood Imiltaof walklnir ulltlnn latlliK drliikinii tlrepluy till kitiK ouJ IrrlliiK ato tho 11111 il a kiwd vduiwllon ta cteto H love for llilt and lilulli I lInes K Kid hilillt I luutl drrwud oil rvtltlo Wn 0 c lull lutilut or ROturr Intunatlon hratr I fie ihlon are lh otiUrowth if 1 our many rrllilont I 10 o ran ot suIwIa 1 ac < UlrliiKllitiii nul I tho Minn rule will npply boOr Uilf Ultra nro lurflO iirinl loIre which tbould La LriiUKbt lo hoar I on our work an tcleutv and lultli Ole Hull ao1I MIIt III lIu till MIIIB of Uiu worJ I leoiuclio tour tIre Iniirirtler ofniturr Tnianrtli CKiniLlnlni std iriuliii LOW lorllll 01111 ihaxx of Iho lliliiKioiitt liom ton chit dory tiaobvr thoiill la 1 an atllit Ito mould tw 1 urllnal ermllTe ao > Uilnlui with tlm IWlii iotil Lcloro Him and ablo lu supply their limit Iho leo nod form tfhu11r ttuclitrn com mall < l clrncr li I H I < H > the Inter Kvlr of nulurr lb Kre < l ltitMllalor l I of her tuitcK tiio rovwiler of n her unp lnttflliY He who uioknnf hlimlnd n 0101 rloltliouto of leI In I not n tflleuili J IHI he I lilY OoYIdl Ho inut U HII luva > liiior u illcovittr Lnlore ha tail IHI I a aoleutl Ibo tHvhtr t iievtl mtIUI oitect lu itill wi lilly ir nuy of tho olivet hut II Ira ttrut C ruble to filial tin mlud ofnthlld tidliuiVorlU latont KiMlliillllri and Hilply 110 uvnli toot tbu hlld lo do IlkewliilolnvntlKJti riio third lute blur li I ludli n cold 1 Tin tvacher muit haw lallli lu Ut d In I IUIIIIF In hiiiiu niilur and lu hlniioir AI ix Hlu mullI In Inn Khool rjom li n Uuiieioui character lla mint not mpirluieut witb Imiiior taltoul Lut ho mutt bo ablo to dltnru m rd to plant Ibo aeula of ttutb nh 1 wait fur them lo timw 0 ttoLlieri ul Utah 1 nikj not hive In I r tvu Ihu day whun tHichtri will Uo on tlm ton uf Ihu mounlnliit but you ouiht to yet Ultra 1 My lu you ouiiic tuaolieii wOnt n lilntiuut liv a lien befole J out txrui Iklwten 8 and lIa in on WIII lay 1 irml Munwrmvulniiruolloi1 lou dual of ItrmtUliuduult lion AOHmoot ploMiuUf UUh rjlnkr wan rwvut at lIne niornliiK ati tiui1 the olllclul uacbvrt Intiilulo ou WvdtiMjay uiuroliiK Mil Cralni olati ruoeli racb morn tog atnto m for uuo hour It turn toro ouo huodriHl or mora Iodl omit Kenlltmon who thuilattleally hue uophjdoal oullure lrlnell1 l Ili > namln Clufl Jr oc upi u-pi Ito liuur littnteu 8 mm II a m In InttiuvlluK n lariio vlax ot eobuil cbuol liniheri ou Urn I tlu ry of I tench luiftle lartlouliriubJeutLeiuKobirao I ttr bulluluK Dr Milton II Hardy olunof jen tltmeu miti ntsn m hull at 4 p I 10 for one houij luntruollou Tlio mix ict jtatiruny toss Iliytlology sod lijuliiic lha courw IMIIIO MMIIO us Hint tall but her the Y H 311 HMO elation mod liLutuuv I 01 inwrlti tlm h I ml luun liiIJ terul > daily clue tIre Dli of Autul |