Show V lOll 6 1100 L I CHEF STANTONIS STORY A Far Eiplanalloa of Ilu Cads i Valley Hone Dul Ilt SloiIoio I h uumoe I I Ss 111 ii Al lolIratl iutcgooSoI 11 I III Lu loll e Not iluiel 1 The city wordy and tempered lire dilH fillowlUK In Ills wake eI rollowllliin of the noloiloui ltnn luihed Into print in the two niornltiu totter loday with nn eil mllon oondrnlriR hit Cicho olly horro deal ooncrmlriR which omitliluK Wai laid ill Itit eviniuiij Ntw Vlllg4 Mr Htantonl So iiioled I aJniltlliiR that hu only purchainl three hoirie from Mr ChrUlennn nnd that Ill 0 I rloe Wu t3Sorr Cltily at 11 forth In tlm afflilBVII AI 1n In m v hiMdono horru Iton lhbrtMur tacit of I49 aii for ltiithat be brcu ht dx nnluiaU home wllli him nt tbown IoOWI tip thou bill at UdliiK and that tIe Ohio fluently dltoovere I that two of toe nriM were not Milled u the work niulred of thum nnd that le trade hue two for one Ihit 11 trading Iwo for one hi WOOd lotS on hol 1m record mm alllnll unit oonte 01 luentlyiutln Ihe cne 1111 voucher for Ihteu I tnmali which thniiil htri tbonii iiiur alwMhal the oily till owe 8101 t fur Ihe ex m et of llm Cache Vajlry I lb hush l filed wM ho 101 irvIn iwle I ill lilt II n well Horn i hill charie lii Mr Heufcwi II lukl niunvit wnlch aver that Mtantun un < d wiy tonS 1 to warm this 01011 tuuueIuuefiuug 1Uarter Unit nrl hlifownndhlt euIbIa hone woe lul from tIle dtnrlmenl bloc and crIb tic itr No denial i a mado Ibu luornliiK of Ihetn 11110g r On the I ooutrnryre urn K lilheoi and pjn t tin cliUI Uetlauli 10300 Iproiweio kwpilnt IW lIen 00 1 iVu II 1 1051 hel nld 110 fur my ely I Ililnk h 11 unlltiuito keIl SIlO loulY hire Ni liner 11045 tin Oouahy nhlel 11 llmt the 101 ieuao 511411 regularly Nt llm XI o I ue tax jmytn or lint Slot bitou 1 iSIS hli lioutu rleauiiik 11 In ta tlniof llm nutlet the PrIdh Ohio t U Ito Slot itbu WMnlyo tnougli Iliu watt not Hurth llviiin and doublooN thai hu woo tired ol Ulna hammered toot by fimuiln whom hit oillrlal Dillon kUI ii him from riaclnui elxi 1 Ihtt he priHiiN lo mil the with butiiiru loprlely A toon ui im I can do > u Tlmtinmtaiiranuouncrt I that Mr Htau nn will lenve for Cnlo < lnlgtil lu nlleid tIle national convention nl fire chIef which will lw licit lucre IwKinuliiK ibo Win InU Tlm N 11 1 WShus him > i n pli 0011 ourneya prn nll VIsit suit u oil ilurn aud sloe 1111 withe tullditfilr nnd laen to Ie le It will endeavor fu nwall hl reiui Iwluro tprluglmj nny ether turprliej url him |