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Show No. 1 Firemen's auxiliary mem- bers were guests of Mrs Ross M. ; Gushing Monday nht. Pnzes at bridge went to Mrs. Wilford H. Harris Mrs. Marlin Schultz and Mrs. Lon Kawlings. Refreshments were served to 10. . Mrs. Jero Reynolds of 4U r rue-man rue-man entertained Saturday evening even-ing in compliment to her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Boyd Reynolds, on her birthday. Five small tables ta-bles were arranged for Monte Carlo whist. Prizes went to Alfred Al-fred Goff, Jack Ogden, Mrs. J. A. Carpentier and Mrs. Ogden. The honoree received i 1 A tasty lunch,on Mrs. Joseph Kemn . entertained M.rC hni,0 eon and bridre for SKrlnlT'ci Ir;,and v- obtrtr and Mr. and .Mrs riu ' - spent the week-end ft City. m 5i.: Mrs. Josephine Chrkt t Provo is visiting jn l? I Main street, is living with her parents for the duration. Her husband, now Private Ernes Wiechman, reported to the bait Lake induction center on order of the Duchesne selective service ser-vice board last week. Among those attending funeral funer-al services for Mrs. Alfred Black-ler Black-ler of Salt Lake City Monday were Mrs- R. G. Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pickering and Mrs. iW. A. Fike, all of Copperton; Mrs. A. C. Larick and Mrs. Theo I Chesler. I Mrs. Alvin Hall and Mrs. Ro-!ger Ro-!ger Ball were hostesses at a i Whist party Saturday evening. Prizes at cards were given Mrs. i Tony Sanchez and Mrs. Marvin (Throckmorton and Manuel Sus-aeta Sus-aeta and Mr. Sanchez. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. John E. Yost, Mrs. Throckmorton, Mrs. Susaeta, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates, Mr. and Mrs. George Zdu-nich. Zdu-nich. Mr. Hall and Mr. Ball assisted as-sisted their wives with entertainment. enter-tainment. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jacques and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blake-ly Blake-ly were guests o: Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Beck the evening of March 11. Mrs. Annie Johnson of 106 Carr Fork left yesterday (Thursday) (Thurs-day) to visit indefinitely with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Olson of Los Angeles. Mrs. Leo Brisk and son, Jerry, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Covert of Spring City. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rauer , ot 457 Main street are parents of a six and one-half pound son born , March 14 at Bingham hospital. Mrs. Miles Gaythwaite was a business visitor in Salt Lake City Monday. : local note's: Mrs. Riley Maio of Knight hotel ho-tel left Tuesday evening to visit relatives in Denver for a week. Mr .and Mrs. Stanley J. Long and daughter, Linda Jane, spent three days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Long of Copperton. Cop-perton. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Martin and son, Fred D., spent Tuesday visiting in Bountiful. Melva and Mary Pappas of Magna were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Nick P. Florns. Jird Smith of Springville spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alger Baum. . KSK club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Bruce Ivie Jr. for an evening of sewing and refreshments. re-freshments. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shulsen, Miss Elaine Shulsen of West Jordan and Mr. Ivie joined join-ed the group for refreshment. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutch-ings Hutch-ings and children, Barre and Joan, spent the week-end in Garland Gar-land with her mother, Mrs. Laura Archibald. Gary and Dallas Hakanson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. LaVell Hakanson Hak-anson of Midvale, left Monday after a three-day visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett. The Women's Democratic Study Stu-dy group will meet at 8 p.m. tonight, to-night, Friday, at the home of Mrs. Lenore Andreason. Mrs. Ernest Wiechman of Salt Lake City, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Timothy of 188 |