Show SCASIJISAVIAS I F115 i IIIUIII r 1111fd freer arras ll tntlrraw IAn i IA-n haws I ewanaw I I The combined length of the Sugtllh = r railroad tints was wt SS rNTer t the sad of II19J A reds d will probabl form a Iw11t IfI = 1 wi 1T OlOkrorjr elM Y I sthmaaledt IaDpao k Jf The high lam men haw distributed cams Ign literature with a lavish hand a msKckhoIrn i and vicinity 11J French Jmirnilll HuinM I I Roan to I wtltlM a book bout Sweden which 1Ir loon be published Gal fllormtjem of the Swtdteh 1 army celebrated hle Syth birthday I The t f ftneral ll In the best ol health Ittdr tdtrrranli the former chief Juil J of lhe Samoa uln < l arrived M Stockholm the utntr day I Thousands people are without I work InNorrlnd Many are willing lo work only for fowl and l don ft l 8ttberg an old l soldier died II R AI the geat tut Jan lager tiers rlkllJIIId In the war spinet RuMfc In Icpated TW government hu pd paD kronor for ell 1901 on a contrivance by which a i llfnYray he emptied Into th mail liar M Mh away that the operator cannot can-not t the mall mailer g Stflhv meetings where noclely ladle afe toning lo < tner in Ihe alternoou for MWtagjirt try often livid In Stockholm A great many philanthropic e ibll h menu have emanated from them being f Ant tUtttil and aller ard partly nappq1 test I on the pricetd from sales at ihlnir worked r inert meeting aNo print man In Sweden h1 mire eiMMivt hunting grounds than Baron Oscar Dlckran hat IHlr lnllrae of lead It In jemlland I near Stor en amd comprises strait 40 ouo acre When to tbb are added half n don mailer Inctt of land and gelling grounds III evident that huron Dickton ha lr belief clnnce sac Nlmro I Hiii must of the ttrnou landlords of England Die ait of producing Ur t ls I very old In Sweden and t hat been a remu nerlive oceupitlon In tinny remolD dbtrlct 111 In nowadays carried on principally la the too 1 mott northern province of f ManUnl During the winter thee the-e ale timber 4 I brought tu the lr tit uhere It If burnt ilurlng tha allow Inc sprIng awl sunnier The prepared Ur li lloale l In barrel down the river to the coast place whence II In eiport ed l lo foieipi countries 1111 I 11 I the endue pioducllon hi I chipped l from tm I The free church are drawing heavily upon the attendance ol lira talc I CMUXlie eol Stockholm of the differ eel free denomination the lUplM have ate diurcht and a number of in all tjrdea the ilethodlu four the IIIIIon Pmttcb ever the Advenlbl one the Mormon one the faith cure people one I tine Sw dcnbortUn > two this Catholic lour aMl the Jews one llttldv these Vr tl = i tbexe ate lieu mlitd congregitloo with ttoailtie but little different frost Ihts of UK Mate church The whole number of church building and preaching no tuUoN to about TU only a minority of w hid 1 belong lu the stale thurdi NOa1 Ar A Unitarian church 410 be built In CblttlanL1 The state debt of Norway amount at present to joooooo A Moderate CortMrvallvt club Its lx < n orcanlietl In Mtlilvilc The oalhedral of Thrandhlem b J being stared at a coat of 6 > juu kroner The grand trunk line of Norway lw < I dedareu dividend of 7 per cent The Ulc INM a dental Jltiwnwry at Chiblbnb whlcli U absolutely Ire lo tht public During I9J Norway eiported lout i 1900 000 cubic meter ol Umber and 4 0 co ton of ke Nearly all of the public chooU nr CbrbllanU art now being lighted by electricity 1J hark Nepunu from Sklen Cap talnToblaMHi KM wrecked during a linen un the Atlantic fhe crew wee j rued by a Heainer Mb llnnna Ootkterlony who tee t tmty vblled Ameilca has boat rId r-Id I40tI comasaoder In chief of the Sal valises army In Norway Sopho Hutch woo III such able way triiiifeil Norway inhibition In the PllheTy Mudding at the Uoild Fair died at Verges Tnt mlnblei of Clirbtlanla art III favor i > l opening the jxuulay mornlm services lu than church at 10 jo lllsteR < ul tuna The tint regular Jewish congregation in Kwway woo organized In I cultlMiiu a shut time ago and ha already non cral l boixlretl member Thirl all panic In Chrutumu are aMessed fur Inure thou iijo oou aevtra h list luuoouo It o = ues I nk heeds the 111 I l Its I autncd ahtf liting fl jjo uuu i in aU Ibal t King i Oscar will celt Unit the iih of tlay m LhiUtiama nuiMR > o17 tuuniwf no propow tot mak to-t a trip aloug 1 Ibo coast of Norway witb list SofHtglan steamer Ikiiu r1 DkNMAPK Christian Senen ha been appointed > c lwaUer general Tttu number of fret churches In li nuuk b > Increailng Moth the king and the Uetit haw tlow tMOVertd trop their Sato illneta V Hlllerup the Urge landowner of Oamnitl krlnlneber II I heath According lo the latent tuilillc Copenhagen ha J4J uuu Inhabitant The large country mansion I jlclov In the perish 01 Iliuraiev was burned 101 his ground Aftrvantglrlol i Hillerod wits klllt lies 1 clill l and burned ilio body m A love lu been 1 ent nced to tullor 111 u death iciully About laooo people emigrated I ran I i 1 > tuaark in 11SgJ 01 these south s bulb grated I lo Iho United Swtes a 074 wr t Swede t Ur Suntan a prominent French 1 phy a aides who win Unit ago liaveleil In bcanaliuvb has written a book On J teiroy In Norway 1uilauJ and Lop I land 1 The ducior says tlut a can of j lruro l > y very teldo incurs 11 Jtll mark rh eI ty l1n 11 I 01 C onh i hcn h + p t II 3 hilly 1m I titer 1 h 1 > 11 t 1 n It ul 710101 hi to I r ear eat n n 1 rr tug I conunlllc III w u 0 lcd I F tn 1 I It II I h I 1 rni batI r1I I th r 1 r 1kr I m h I > 11m but tin uilr prcecnll Ilion I-lion election look up only w par ant lions lion than lite uml election of the MM rommltt The tccalled Granger moyemnt Is I booming Thiwgai ailondnn 1rleuao member The toll whin program pro-gram 1n bern served upon That tiro stole hall PIM lawn I and apprnpn I money bu iacllllale the eaiot II leads i support the rnmeUllle I HanJr I mwc much reduce the grain IU anol UII the larlfl on the nweiitl of Mf ram the tariff on wine ellk and lipttfta rornw the unlit ihedule In ether aod IIItrotluce a general Income tin |