Show IN < I it jjj1N lose fthI 1 hesirp 4kesootseps Mill 11IH On WASIIIXUTON 11 Jj I a the HOUII Ueliienlialier l tried lo lecure uuaulmoui conient for a Mil making an a lIII i > rlalbu lo sale the armimonl of tile Kia i fit but lllaiil demanded Iho regular orJer Kllgorr m a mailer of personal irlvlltue pmentula resolution recll IDK the law riiulrliiK that whenever n member li abient oicei I on atoonnl tlckuore tile 1 pay O7t WII rllhheld I aiil ik luformttlou of Ihorerjoiut nrnii wl ether he h1 I cufotced the law If uol wny not 1 and II hlnliovod could Dot onlorcud tu Klvu him liaioni The Hfnltr decide I that III tho form iiixouled I I It wainolumttter ot ritoLal irlvllego and Kllgor wlthuiew II lo cilausito It to conform tile 8peakefla Idea I Illaud movid lo football commit floor Iho whol for Iho consideration ol the iiUnlornE I bill anl lint flit ktlitrl debate close at 3 oclock toiuorroa aud demanded tile > rivlou iiltlou Ui roll call Cumnilng Cliuc and Magm broko from tno i lent rouLe oil flats New York delrgii 111 00tl IrkA11J lion glrlnz I up Iho fill uili I r After tho I I i HUB of llrlkuam was called mail ho HI J not aniwrr Johnion Ohio called attention Ibo fact that this ruled ol I o Homo ereiily ri ulred invest 111 I iletelit tu vote She Breaker ruled that roll oil I I oud 111 bo luterruted Jobt ion then re Retired Iho point till flats coucluiloi uf roll call I 11 llcallcouitleled 1 I Ilv rl r lo liKilou rononixl Johnson joint o i matter and dounuJid that Tracy who refuted to vote be held III Contempt of tile Hctiio Johnson rl ho hod I a Hit of Iwenl fivo members who ball i 1101 voted Tho deadlock In tho Houi line boo I taken bad u quorum loiured on this Uland nlgbiorua I bill I |