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Show H P R O CLHMHT ION 1 1H - , & To my Beloved Subjects in Salt Lake City and Vicinity: ' I heartily wish that Peace may abound in your Hearts and Homes, and that one and all may have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a I .HE HAPPY NEW YEAR. I M It is my pleasure that you should again fittingly manifest Good-will by presenting Suitable Gifts to each other, and remembering the I ijH Poor. Lest you may be in doubt as to what will be acceptable to your friends, and according to your means, I commend each of you to visit the- j .', B Emporium of ALL THAT IS BEAUTIFUL, USEFUL AND APPROPRIATE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, at 72 S. MAIN STREET, W and there you will surely see amid the Dazzling Display of Countless Articles, just what you want for Gifts to Children, Relatives or Dear Friends. ill I My worthy Storekeepers, THE UTAH BOOK AND STATIONERY COMPANY, that they may botter minister to the comfort and W convenience of their numerous patrons, have provided another RECEPTION ROOM in the MoCORNIOK BLOCK, 18 WEST FIRST SOUTH A '' STREET, where the Most CHOICE AND LOVELY GOODS of their mammoth stock will bo found. Hoping to see you all at the Places named on any day until THE EVE OF CHRISTMAS, I am Truly your Friend and Well-wisher I fl In addition to what our Old Friend has said, we beg to add that we are RETAILING EVERYTHING AT WHOLESALE PRICES, I E preparatory to Removal. 1 -H UTAH RIIPIK AND ST A Tin WRY Pfl I DU4GAM 01 QDeflLililSTE, manage. J M jj.caes.TT-irce.Jo.lULl . sai.jgTEWs-uai mauu. m..., ng.LM.1 iml l'Mm.Jja.JT!ll!mmil II !' m III I l .. f IUjaMMImtwimi.lM.1. I ni.mlrTr.m.nTmw MMimwBHIII'H'JM'1 ml,. IMMM3MEM Ill III , 1 JtMj m tuwl, U-wtstll 4 m tetjsUa(. Ilsjajsji, Cnlt, . IkSHSsUa UklsiAts Ttt sMtcll M U snlbsJtJt. ! UuTtt" kt. IMlU T . C.sl l'm, .w i..?,!? isl itr7 a.o. iVmi CM s.sUM4isl a) iUlAll atrtsMtsM ssta aVSIMI M Uts ED. L. HUNTLEY'S ,'ffl $10( $14 and $18 Suits, 111 mi mis ami viirrn. iTritonaM b ak'l pcs !) tTltUtndjou out tltiffntimtilfl el -f f ' sjood. t lf mrnnif fnDt blink amj tT ( SI I rr.rn.urt) ai'XaaTO. vTo witrrtbt fool i Hi ad tturitl-. workuattiiMp i&j Al lik" 'Iff MMs IT, tin mi Oil. ' J.1 IlDTlrr 't rood tnrdr for cam and ta , larKurqiMtititrrailiaa anrolfaerln ourlluous, 3 fl bli tia to o8r tatnf ea.o barxama onap, W I ftoathnbla It acy oibr ttotxf Alt komi i. B I narbtd In pialtt dxurr. 0 prk to all. in miomt j rtfandai) at all tin u (tvtxl aro o f v 1 latufaciory t1i1rt(ii i a XV L. HUNTLKT 4 CO , j Ifi CHDRGH BLANKS !J Printed and for Oale at j Wl THE DESERET NEWS OFFICE; if SALT LKB CITY. , j 9 Cukt Ittporta ,, Ma,pffAts tt Vird EK)rtst .... , . j V )U1M SocUtj TUpntU Mi. , Mf. rrlmarf AauocUtloo lUporU (tts . J W t. u m. i i. nifort a a m- t.m. w. i a. n-pofi. to. 1 m Bjiio't'ominiJ, took of sVa,Uc.( osflQn 1 IMfflary Association Iloll and IUanl Dooka, tL4LK 1 I ' T U . I, k. Uoll aa4 Haoori book. ILW. f 3 i TarlHflorda,lqr,t.W, 3 v H 00) 4 Vt CASl : Illiti rrlMU lUonrd Ua4a to OHsU. J tsUrattHiiM' sWagtfa ll-Jsa is) tTsIsM V CAUTIQ1T. 'i Consumer nro ripcclall ft; cautluncd iiKtlnat imrrlistalns r anyuftlienorthltaa ImlUUuua U )fff rel uii Iho market iut upuit 'j OK JAl'AN, alao kuoivii n ,J lltKlCTKA, hre that tlio nr- fj tlclo sou piirclitt la ceuuluu 1 't ttud tuke no other, i yjcsiMitv or rxatuoEi jl I Wde;ofj( I j 'mm IMPORTED BY f ,p!yi iii fSANFRANCIBCO 1 j SIEGFRIED & BRAHDEHSTEIN. HAN ritA.KCUSC'0, OaUL. I, |