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Show iniiiTiov sir HtttvA mi. Tsui Mltsifs Tlirealenstl wills llrslriirllou, BAN I'BANCieoo, Dec. 10 U A. riiornton, n member of tho Hawaiian leglslaturuwho arrived yesterday by steamer from Honolulu, brings news of thu oruptlon of Mauna Lot, thu great volcano of Hawaii, threatening llio destriietioii of two vllla(,os and extensive ex-tensive plantations. J'nr llvo days prior to DectmberOtti there wero Illuminations Illu-minations una grand scale, nnd the wholu country was abaketihythe prodigious pro-digious earth ipiakea. Minna Iioa for a distance of sixty miles threw light oor thu ocean and nil aurroundlng ouuntry. On tbo ovonlug of December Decem-ber "nil, tlanua burst from Mauim lioa, nnd grow In volume nnd Incpased In noise from that tlmo mi. It U feared that tho ontlro vlllago of Hllo, under the mountain, una thu neighboring town of Wnlkea may bo deatroyid, onU the vast nnd valuable plantations surrounding sur-rounding thorn bo tovtred with lav , |