Show President Praises raises Red Cross Results WASHINGTON Dec 10 AP APPraising APPraising AP- AP Praising the American Red Cross oss for Its expanding peace time ac activities activities ac- ac President Coolidge In an address ss at the annual meetIng meetIng meeting meet- meet Ing of the organization declared that one of the most striking things in th the development of our our country countr has been the steady inCrease in- in Crease in rease In benevolence the disposition disposition tion to do good that good that Is to say goo good will U This growing rowing spirit he continued continued continued con con- has led to beneficence which as the word indicates Is active active active ac ac- ac- ac tive goodness and kindness has led to Increased charity which relieves individual suffering and to philanthropy which deals with humanity humanity hu hu- manity in the he mass rather than han IndivIduality in individuality individuality In- In ha prevents rather than allays calamity |