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Show CIIIVA tlJL III.TAI.IATn Tliai loanlrj nu deport American Ittal lenls. New Yoitic, May 14 Rev. Dr. J. B. Ilaldwln, lor twenly.two years a Methodist mlealonary to Chiua, and for neatly a quatter of a contury secretary secre-tary of the mlealonary board of tbo Metbodlet Episcopal church, which has large moneyed Inteteitt In Chins, said he bad positive Information from dignitaries of tho Chluceo government nud frombls own Chluosn missionaries that It tbe Cblueso exclusion act shall be carried Into ell.ot and Chinese shipped from this country to Cl Ina, deported almply becauae tbey are hero without certificates, Americans In China will llkewlte be depottod from Ibot countty. "If the law Is deolared constitutional by thu Bupromu court," ho said, "1 anticipate that there will bo uu exo ins Loth of mhslonarlea and merchants from China lu retaliation for our eendlug some of tbe Chinese borne from the United Btates. Beveral years ugo this course wsa urged upon the Chinese government by one of the console who was supported In tbe memorial by a number of promlueut olllulals. "LI Hung Chang, at present Viceroy of Chuli.I,uaiidBliariTuug provinces, tbo grunt ttutesniati of China whom (Jeneral Grant so heartily udmlrtd, lies been very tlow to como lu this view of thu case und vtrj unwilling unwill-ing to rellmiulili his mutked friendship Or thu United Htates, but there Is ground for tbe belief tnat tiio great statesman has at lust como to the con-cluelon con-cluelon that the only ws) todiftudthe honor ami dignity cf his own nation In view of theiu cx eeted acts tf oppressive oppres-sive legislation on our patt and lu view of thu failure of diplomatic action lo produce any remedy It to enltr upon a course of retaliation and tttat Amen-cans Amen-cans lu China us the Chinese atu trust ed In America, " This Is the most perilous llrao In the relatione of China to the United H ales yet encountered. It It probable that tbe Mettiodbit ohuroU will make au tpnoal to the Chlliete authorities In cose deportation la decided upon In be half of the Methodist missionaries now stationed lu tbo provinces." |